
Showing posts with the label distractions

Jesus kept it simple

Jesus was the most intelligent being to ever walk this earth.  Yet He never spoke using complicated words.  When He taught, He often spoke in parables, stories that His listeners could relate to and picture in their minds.  He knew that a picture was worth a thousand words and that these images would stick with them, easy to remember. Jesus wasn't "dumbing down" for His listeners.  He brilliantly realized that by giving them visuals, stories that included metaphors, that they could comprehend and retain more than if He spoke to them in more intellectual terms. Jesus also spoke plainly about His identity, what was to come, and about how we are now related to Him through His Holy Spirit.  (see John 14, Matthew 24, and Luke 21) God is omniscient, which means that He knows all.  Jesus is God.  Ergo, Jesus is omniscient.  His omniscience did not stop when He became human.  He could tap into that awesome power at any time as God's Son. I bring this...

Letting go of useless distractions

There are a plethora of sayings out there telling us what we need to do with and in our lives.  Here is a short list of items that you may have heard. And now that you have heard them, perhaps repeatedly, you feel an unconscious, or even conscious, weight on you like you “have” to do these things.  Word for you:  you don’t. Here we go: 1.  Find your tribe If Jesus is our truest and highest and only example in how to live, then this statement is not one for Christians.  Jesus was about doing His Father’s work every day of His earthly ministry.  Jesus was not concerned about “fitting in,” or finding His tribe.  He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  That was enough for Him.  And you being a child of God is enough for you, whether or not you ever find a “tribe.”  Finding your tribe is a useless pursuit because people change.  People are fickle.  People leave.  Putting our hope or identity in a tribe is a recipe for disappoint...

Distractions be gone!

I have come to realize that we can control many of the things distracting us away from our relationship with Christ, our center, our peace.  We can control how much time we spend on social media, watching TV, and so on.  These are the sorts of distractions we do not have to succumb to.   However, some distractions are beyond our control.   Other people's behavior can be a huge distraction, especially when they are intentionally messing with you. Some people are actually bothered by your peace and will do all they can to push your buttons, to try and upset you.   Now are they just playing harmless games with you?  Or is it much more serious than that? Years ago, the Lord moved me to tune in to a certain talk show.  I didn't usually watch this show, so I wasn't sure why He was leading me to watch it. What I saw I will never forget.   Miss America was the guest.  The host of the show asked her how she keeps her poise while wa...