
Showing posts with the label Jesus Lordship

Who's the boss?

There is a hierarchy!  And all the world's problems point back to this - how we mess with the hierarchy and thereby make a mess. This happens at all levels - on the world stage down to the home. Here's the hierarchy: God Mankind Pretty simple, huh?  Do you see how it went wrong?   Here's the messed up hierarchy: Mankind God Yes, the Lord gave us dominion over the earth, to rule and care for it.  But!  But under His Lordship and rule.  What would that look like?  Exponentially better than what we've got! When we seek the Lord, He gives us direction.  He knows best because, well, He is Lord! How do I make the best decision here, Lord?  What is in the best interest for this country, this state, this city, this family?  Our position will dictate which of these we seek Him about. When we don't seek Him, we are relying on our own wits and brains.  Now there are some awfully smart people that God made.  But are any of them Omnisc...