
Showing posts with the label born again

God loves you, but...

God cannot look at sin. God is a holy God.  God is a Righteous God. Humans are neither holy nor righteous on their own (understatement). But when we are born again into Christ, something miraculous takes place.  The holiness and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ are imputed into us. "Imputed righteousness is a concept in Christian theology proposing that the "righteousness of Christ ... is imputed to [believers] — that is, treated as if it were theirs through faith." It is on the basis of Jesus' righteousness that God accepts humans. This acceptance is also referred to as justification." Wikipedia There you have it.  So apart from Christ, you are dead in your sins.  There is no real hope apart from a relationship with Christ. As the world experiences more and more devastations, whatever anyone has put their hope in will surely vanish, no longer be there for them.  Many things we thought could "never" happen are happening right now.  Banks closing,...

The root of fear

Did you ever ask yourself what is behind all of the fear happening inside and around you? Covid.  Just say the word and fear raises up inside us.  But why is that?  No one wants to get sick, feel bad, or have fatigue - a really bad flu and worse.  No one wants to suffer or be in pain.  So there is the fear of getting sick and feeling awful. But the deeper fear underneath all of that is the "elephant in the room."  Death.  That is the mother of all fears that drives all the lesser fears. And why do people fear death?  It doesn't hurt.  When you're gone, you're gone! It's what happens next.  When you have not received or believed in Christ, you are spot on in your fear of death.  You should fear it!  Because it is not the end.  Oh it's the end of your physical life, to be sure.  But not your eternal one. That one is spent either in heaven or hell. There.  I had the guts to say it! Yes, both are eternal realities....

Abide in Him and you will be fruitful

Being prepared for extreme circumstances is pretty straightforward in the natural.  There are countless emergency prep checklists online to refer to.  Gather your peanut butter, flashlights, warm clothes, etc., etc. But how do we prepare on the inside?  How do our spirits and souls get ready for any more states of emergency? If you've lived any length of time, as I have, you realize how hard it is to wrap your brain around how much the world has changed in the past few decades.  It's hard to even remember how we lived our lives before the internet. Who would have ever dreamed that we would be "connecting" with strangers around the world and calling them friends?  People whom we've never even met.  It's all very strange. But pining for the past is not the answer. We get prepared on the inside by building up our faith in Christ.  We do this by reading and studying His Word. But beyond that, we will need more than ever before to abide in Him.  ...

Friend or foe?

"Until Jesus becomes our Savior, we are enemies of God.  Although we may be quick to deny that we are against Him, there is no neutral ground.  We have either been reconciled to God through His Son, or we are at odds with Him."  Dr. Charles Stanley This pretty much sums up where we stand with God, either as His friend or His foe.  Which are you?  Have you been born again?  Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, why don't you pray right now and ask Him into your heart?  It's about time, no?   He does not require a long, elaborate, or eloquent prayer from you.  Just a heartfelt plea.  Tell Him that you need a Savior - that you need Him.  Ask Him to come and live inside of you through His Holy Spirit.  Tell Him that you are serious about wanting to get right with Him - no more games, lies, or denial. Then be at peace!   And after you pray, don't go by your feelings! You may or may not "feel" any di...