Abide in Him and you will be fruitful

Being prepared for extreme circumstances is pretty straightforward in the natural.  There are countless emergency prep checklists online to refer to.  Gather your peanut butter, flashlights, warm clothes, etc., etc.

But how do we prepare on the inside?  How do our spirits and souls get ready for any more states of emergency?

If you've lived any length of time, as I have, you realize how hard it is to wrap your brain around how much the world has changed in the past few decades.  It's hard to even remember how we lived our lives before the internet.

Who would have ever dreamed that we would be "connecting" with strangers around the world and calling them friends?  People whom we've never even met.  It's all very strange.

But pining for the past is not the answer.

We get prepared on the inside by building up our faith in Christ.  We do this by reading and studying His Word. But beyond that, we will need more than ever before to abide in Him.  

To abide means to remain, to stay.  But how easily we are distracted away from His Presence!

But it is in His Presence where all of the wisdom, peace, joy, and knowledge lie.  The Lord knows the beginning to the end - all of world's history, He already has under wraps.

When we stay connected to Him, all is well.  And that holds true no matter if the whole world is falling apart around us.

We are as the eye of the storm - calm while the storm rages around us.

We give hope where there is none.

We offer compassion when needed most.

We cry out and announce that Jesus is Lord and the only hope for any of us in this life and the next.  We want others to listen to Him and know Him as we do so that they can know peace and calm at all times.

We have a great job and responsibility as Christians.  And as we step up to the plate to do our part, whatever that is, in obedience to Him, there is a ripple effect.  Others will be touched and influenced by us because we know where it's at!

While the world searches for answers and solutions, though they have access to all knowledge that Google can possible offer, the answer for our souls can only be found in Christ.  

Whether or not we've been to seminary, as born again Christians, we are all called to share God's love, His gospel, His truth, in whatever ways He ordains.

How does our abiding in Him do anyone else any good?  Fruit.  Abiding in Christ always bears fruit.  When you see apples growing on an apple tree, you can't miss them - they're the round, red things hanging from the branches.

So others will see our "fruit" and, hopefully, want what we've got.  It is the great invitation!  You, too, can taste this fruit and have this fruit!

The best way to be prepared for anything is to abide in Christ.  Come and find rest in Him.  

"All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." John 6:37


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