
Showing posts with the label fine wine

Stop, Jesus! You're crushing me!

Have you ever been crushed by Jesus?  Job said, "Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him." Been there, too, Job.   But crushing feels worse than slaying.  What on earth am I talking about, you may wonder!  God is not a sadist!  Indeed not. I don't know if you are this way, but a lot of the time, I need to talk to know what I'm thinking!  Sometimes, as I'm talking to a pastor, a friend, or whomever, words just come out of me that I had no intention of saying.  It's like the Holy Spirit is getting out of me what is really going on in me and I didn't have a chance to verbalize it before. Writing is a great outlet for me.  But sometimes, it's speaking those unexpected words that sheds light on my circumstances. For example, I was talking to a pastor about a certain situation I am in that is very hard to endure, and the word "crushed" popped out of my mouth.  I don't remember exactly what I said, but remember saying how I felt like I was bein...