
Showing posts with the label God's favor

Nehemiah completes his work

We learn in chapter 5 of Nehemiah that the government was overtaxing the Jews.  Nehemiah's response to this had various stages. First, he was angry.  Then he thought about it. Let's pause here.  How many of us give in to anger over injustice only to "live" there instead of regrouping and giving it thought?  Do we tend to let our emotions get the best of us?  Or do we move on into rational thought instead?  It's hard to do sometimes, but very possible! Nehemiah's response after he gave it some thought was to confront the powers that be over their misdeeds.  He told them flat out that they were taking advantage of his people.  He said directly, "The thing that you are doing is not good." (v 9)  That took guts! Then, Nehemiah told the governor to fear God and restore to the Jews everything they had stolen from them. It's like they needed to be told, like children, right from wrong, and how to rectify their wrongdoing.  And they listened and...

Lessons from Nehemiah, chapter one

I just started a Bible study on the book of Nehemiah.  Here's what I've learned so far from chapter one, and the first few verses from chapter two. Nehemiah had a mission from God.  He was to rebuild the the walls of Jerusalem. It was quite a job ahead of him.  He knew he was going to need help from the powers that be.  He needed to ask for King Artaxerxes' help. Before he approached the king, Nehemiah did a few things first. First, he mourned, wept, prayed, and fasted before God. He reminded God of God's faithfulness, His promises to His chosen people that He gave through Moses, and His covenant with them.   Nehemiah knew God, God's character, God's history with His people, the Jews.  Nehemiah confessed the great sins of his people as well as confessed his own sins before God.  Nehemiah was part of the problem.  Now, God was going to use him to bring about His solution. God chooses whom He chooses.  God knew Nehemiah's heart.  God ...