Jesus tells me this a lot
Don't cast your pearls before pigs. Yes, Lord. Lord, where do I find those who are not pigs? Still waiting an answer to that one. I believe He will give me discernment as I go. What does all this mean? It means that when we give our best that God has given us - His wisdom through us, His anointing on us, the talents and gifts He put in us - and it is met with indifference, animosity, jealousy, or hatred, that those receiving/listening are as pigs who don't know any better. If we were to cast literal pearls - priceless and invaluable - into a pigsty, the pigs would trample on them because they are ignorant. They're pigs. They don't know any better. They're accustomed to slop and mud only. Where does that leave humans? When humans, who should know better, trample on the gifts we give through Christ, then they are either prideful, stubborn, ignorant, jealous, insolent, or of their father the devil. "B...