
Showing posts with the label God Sovereign

You don't choose your own soil!

Bloom where you're planted, so the saying goes.   Where are you planted?  Do you like the "pot?"  Or does your soil smell like manure? When you belong to Christ, HE decides what soil is best for your growth.  It may not look, feel, or smell like the kind of soil you want.  That is of no import. What matters is that we trust Him  to choose the best soil for us. Throughout Scripture, we see less than desirable "soil" that God's chosen were planted in.  They were too busy obeying and trusting God to worry or care about the pain or sacrifice.  They knew, as we should, that following God will always cost us something, but that He is more than worth it. It's not easy to give up control for some people.  So much so that they never fully surrender to God.  Big mistake. It's a matter of pride when you get to the root of it.  "I know better," is what you're really saying, though not out loud.  Really? You know better than the Omnisc...