Our identity as God’s saints

Most believers, when asked who they are in Christ, as part of their answer, will say that they are “sinners saved by grace.” Perhaps, in their minds, this sounds humble. When Jesus said He was God, it sounded anything but humble to those listening! But it was Truth. And He was the most humble Person ever because He was fully submitted to God, never acting out of His own volition. So, we know that when truth is spoken, it may or may not sound “humble,” but it is truth and that's all that matters. So yes, we were sinners but now, since we are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8), who does that make us after the saving? We are new creatures in Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:17) The problem with saying we are still “sinners” is that it leaves a fundamental mark in our souls that says that our identity is still that of a sinner. Don’t let the Catholic definition of a saint (as if we could somehow earn it) mar the truth of the identity that Christ died to give us, that...