
Showing posts with the label winning spiritual battles


I am learning that everything that threatens to derail us, get us out of the Spirit and walking in the flesh, we can use it instead of lose it! We don't have to lose our cool, our composure, or our self-control. I know how fierece some battles can be, friends.  But the Lord of our souls has promised to always lead us in triumph!  Always!!  This is an astouding promise from our God! When I see troubles and problems and upsets from a fleshly perspective, I lose.  Every time. I am asking the Lord for His perspective on everything.  And though evil still comes at me and tries to get to me, I want to truly watch the Lord Romans 8:28 (used as a verb) every single attack that is aimed at me.  In the moment.   If I use the "heat of the battle" as an opportunity to let Christ lead me in triumph, then the enemy will back off!  Why?  Because his schemes are not working.  Oh, he will keep trying, devil that he is.  But we can keep winning,...