
Showing posts with the label righteousness

God loves you, but...

God cannot look at sin. God is a holy God.  God is a Righteous God. Humans are neither holy nor righteous on their own (understatement). But when we are born again into Christ, something miraculous takes place.  The holiness and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ are imputed into us. "Imputed righteousness is a concept in Christian theology proposing that the "righteousness of Christ ... is imputed to [believers] — that is, treated as if it were theirs through faith." It is on the basis of Jesus' righteousness that God accepts humans. This acceptance is also referred to as justification." Wikipedia There you have it.  So apart from Christ, you are dead in your sins.  There is no real hope apart from a relationship with Christ. As the world experiences more and more devastations, whatever anyone has put their hope in will surely vanish, no longer be there for them.  Many things we thought could "never" happen are happening right now.  Banks closing,...

Seeking God's Kingdom above all else

I came across a reference to this familiar verse this morning in my quiet time.  I then asked the Lord to reveal to me what that means - how to do this in my daily life.  He brought another Scripture to mind: "...for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."  Romans 14:17 It really whittles it down very practically. If what I am seeking at any given moment is righteous, keeps me in God's peace, brings me His joy, then I am seeking His Kingdom in that moment! On the other hand, if what I am seeking leads me to idolatry, or anxiety, or any other fleshly thing, then in that moment, I am not  seeking His Kingdom - putting Him first. As Christians, we do both of these on any given day.  Our flesh is constantly waging war against the Spirit. It comes down to choice.  Will we choose  to seek Him first - His righteousness, His peace, His joy - and in so doing enter into His Kingdom right here and ho...

The Kingdom of God

We can build all sorts of things in life.   A legacy A family   An empire   A home  A career   A network A fortune Building God's Kingdom is not like building anything else we can build.  Not everything that is God's Kingdom is visible yet.  Also, the Kingdom of God is within you.  So we learn that it is both a physical place yet to be, but also inside our spirits. "For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."  Luke 17:21 How do you build a spirit?  And how do you measure its progress?  It is not that specific a science.  Only God fully knows each human heart. So building the Kingdom is more than merely "winning souls for Christ," though that is a good thing.  But how do those "won souls" turn out in the end?  Do they go on to grow in Christ as one of His intimates, willing to follow wherever He leads?  Or are they merely good churchgoers, complying on the outside while their inner "house" ...