
Showing posts with the label seasons

Blooming season

Spring has sprung and it is gorgeous. We've been in our current neighborhood for seven years.  There are two trees down the street that bloomed with gorgeous white flowering blooms the year we moved in. Since then, when I go for a walk around the neighborhood, I have looked for the same trees to bloom every spring. They haven't.  Until this year. And they are as beautiful as the first time I saw them bloom seven years ago. But I waited seven years to see them bloom again!  The other similar trees bloom faithfully every spring.  But for some reason, these two side-by-side trees only bloom every seven years. It got me thinking.  There are dormant stages in our spiritual life, too.  We don't always see the "bloom" in our own lives.  We give our all, obey the Lord best we can, wait on Him, step out in faith, and still no "flowers." What is happening during those dormant years?  I have no idea, really.  But I do know that God makes every tree for a purpose an

To write or not to write, that is the question

The last concrete "to do" I received from the Lord was about two years ago.  "Write a blog." That's all He needed to say - I was on it! But there are times and seasons for everything.  And lately, what once came so easily for me - only because God was in it to enable and empower me - is starting to become stale to me. Every day, as I sat down to write these blog entries, I never knew what I was going to write about.  I simply started typing and the words came to me.  This is how I know it was a God thing. I don't even consider myself a "real" writer.  It is simply something I enjoy doing.  There are those who are far better at it than I. My training was in music.  All my life, practicing the piano, or later in life writing songs, or singing, or what have you.  But God moves in us and changes our desires for His purposes, His seasons for us.  We need to be willing to listen, trust, and obey Him. And I was willing to go on forever writing this blog f

Some crops grow better in manure

  You can find anything online!  Here's a manure chart!  What kind to use, on what garden, and in what season(s). God is the Master Gardener.  He knows exactly what it takes for each of His "flowers" need to grow into His likeness. Would Paul have written his letters to the churches if he weren't in a feces-ridden prison cell?  Not sure.  But we have the majority of the New Testament thanks to Paul allowing God to use him in the crappiest (literally) of circumstances. What about us?  We are most likely not in a literal prison cell.  But what parameters is Jesus using in your life to grow you?  Do you want to mature and grow? Paul wasn't being chastised or punished by God!  Paul was not "in sin."  Quite the contraty!  He was imprisoned for  working for God!  For preaching the gospel.   So when our "stinking" situations are not changing, will we let God use it to grow us up?  Will we let ourselves be used by Him instead of complaining, getting de