Some crops grow better in manure


You can find anything online!  Here's a manure chart!  What kind to use, on what garden, and in what season(s).

God is the Master Gardener.  He knows exactly what it takes for each of His "flowers" need to grow into His likeness.

Would Paul have written his letters to the churches if he weren't in a feces-ridden prison cell?  Not sure.  But we have the majority of the New Testament thanks to Paul allowing God to use him in the crappiest (literally) of circumstances.

What about us?  We are most likely not in a literal prison cell.  But what parameters is Jesus using in your life to grow you?  Do you want to mature and grow?

Paul wasn't being chastised or punished by God!  Paul was not "in sin."  Quite the contraty!  He was imprisoned for working for God!  For preaching the gospel.  

So when our "stinking" situations are not changing, will we let God use it to grow us up?  Will we let ourselves be used by Him instead of complaining, getting depressed, or whatever we are wont to do when we're in a mess beyond our control?

So God wasn't only growing Paul during Paul's prison sentence.  God was using Paul in such a way that billions of people throughout the centuries would benefit from his commitment to Christ no matter what.

I guess my point is that the richest fruit will come out of our worst circumstances - IF we let the Lord use us.  

Lasting fruit.  Fruit that feeds others.  "Flowers" that bloom in such a way that Christ is glorified.

I care about being used by God.  How God uses me is up to Him.  How, when, where, and in what seasons - all up to Him.

I will most likely not see how God is using me to help others grow in Christ.  And I don't need to know. 

Paul was in prison.  He had no idea what the believers were really up to - he could only go by what he heard or the letters he received from them.  Usually, they were in some sort of mess themselves!  Paul didn't need to "see" them in order to know that they needed his encouragement, truth, exhortation, and yes, discipline.  

Nothing much has changed, really.

God's Church (not a building, but His Body, His people) is in great need of encouragement today.  They are in great need of growing up in Christ - into His likeness, bearing His fruit, and letting Him do a deeper work in them - even if it includes being "planted in manure" for a season or two.  

I see a lot of articles and such about these being the End Times we are living in.  That the end is near.  Yes, I am aware that Christians throughout the ages have believed they were in the End Times, too!

But one day, it will really happen!  Will we live to see it?  I don't know.  I know that the world is pretty much going nuts and nothing seems to be working or helping.  There is still violence, hatred, and such, no matter how many "slogans" we slap on it or how many band-aids we put on it.  

I'm digressing a bit here.  But it all ties in.  You see if we're not letting God grow us up, how will we face even harder times ahead, if indeed they do lie ahead?  We need to be the shining lights, the ones not only with the answers, but with the real love that only Christ can give.  The ones who have "been through it" so that we can help others get through it.  The ones keeping their wits about them in the crappiest of not only personal circumstances, but in the global ones happening around us.

Manure stinks.  No one in their right mind wants to smell it or be anywhere near it. 

But the best farmers and gardeners know what it takes to produce the best crops and flowers.  

How much moreso our Master Gardener, Jesus?

Oh Lord.  Sometimes I complain and grouse more than give thanks to You when I am experiencing difficulties.  When You don't provide a way out, then I must lean in more to Your limitless understanding and trust that You are leaving me in the "manure" for my highest good and in Your best interest - to be of more use to You than I could ever be in another situation.  So help me make the best of it all and use me, I pray, to lead others into a growing relationship with You, Lord.  Help me see things as You do, Lord, and trust that Your seasons are producing fruit in me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.  


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