
Showing posts with the label strength

Nehemiah's new work: Maintenance!

Continuing my study of Nehemiah, we learned that he finished the physical labor of building the wall around Jerusalem.  But wait, there's more! Once his work was done, there was the work of maintaining what he had built. Isn't that just like our lives?  We think we have "arrived" in some area, finished a task, only to find that it isn't really over.  And though the building process is difficult and wrought with challenges, maintenance brings its own set of issues. We cannot rest on our laurels, as tempting as it may be.  There is always  some more work to do.   In chapter 8, we read that Ezra read God's Word to God's people.  There was much rejoicing and worshiping.  However, there was also weeping and grieving. It does not say why the Jews were weeping, just that they did so while hearing God's Word read aloud to them. "For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law." Nehemiah 8:9 My guess is that they were conv...

God's will?

When Paul was Saul, he thought he was doing the Lord's work by killing Christians.  I know.  Doesn't seem possible, yet that's how it was. Job's friends thought they knew best when preaching at Job, yet they were thorns in his side at a time when he really needed some good friends.   So how do we know when we are truly doing God's will?  How do we know when we are working for Him and not the enemy?  Yes, I believe it is that black and white.   Jesus Himself said we are either for Him, or against Him. So all of you “grey area" thinkers, listen up!   There are two forces at work in and around us at all times. One is Almighty God (what most call "good" but they don't attach the Lord to it).  The other is Satan.  I really hate capitalizing his name, but that's how it is spelled.  When you are born again, you now have spiritual discernment.  Without the Holy Spirit, we can't really discern right from wrong, good from evil,...

Being broken in a good way

I see it in the faces of those around me everywhere I go - even the masks can't hide it. People have been broken by the events of the past eighteen months.  They are worn out.  Humbled. How can this be good? When we reach the end of ourselves, where do we turn?  I am in the habit of turning to Jesus as the Source of my strength.  His strength remains the same during a pandemic.  Always. But for those who do not have the Lord, where do they go?  Stripped of all social gatherings, we were left to ourselves and those we live with.  If we relied on the bottle before, we turned to it even more. If we relied on reasoning and figuring out, we were stumped.  How do you figure out a pandemic, all of its ramifications, or its end date? Frankly I don't know how people do life without  the Lord.  We weren't built to "do life" apart from God. We were created to live in communion with our Creator.  But the damage from the fall left us (wrongly) t...

Battles take time

In the natural, when wars are fought, each battle has a duration of time that it takes before it is over.   As Christians, we go into each spiritual battle knowing the outcome!  We are in Christ.  Christ is the Victor. Ergo, we are victorious in Christ! However (clear throat), some battles are "bloodier" than others.  Some battles take longer than others.  And if we are going to live the Christian life, we must be aware of these facts. We are called by God to be strong and courageous.  We see these commands all throughout Scripture.  Fear not!  Be very strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! The Lord knew we would need courage, and lots of it.  He knew the battles each of us would face and the weapons we would need in order to fight them. I won't go into detail here about how we wage war in the heavenlies, or about the armor of God - you can find plenty of teachings on these online, articles and YouTube. ...

Being strong where it counts

There are all kinds of strength.  You can be physically strong, emotionally strong, mentally strong, and so on. But there is a strength that trumps all of these and that is spiritual strength. This is because when we are strong in the spirit - in the things of the Lord - then we have an inner strength that empowers us to do and face whatever life asks of us. Think of it as a tree where the roots are your spiritual strength and the tree, branches, and fruit are all possible because of the strength of the roots - how deep they go, how strong they are, etc. People can put on all kinds of "shows."  But only God knows each heart. Sometimes, those who "act" the strongest on the outside carry the most fears with them on the inside. Anyone placing all of their confidence in their physical strength, or any other strength, will deep down be insecure.  Why?  Because all other strengths, aside from spiritual, can be weakened and deteriorate.  Because we were not built to bu...

An encouraging word for you

The Lord spoke a precious word to me this morning. I share it with you here. I pray it blesses you! DON'T GIVE UP!!! I know how hard it has been for you and in you and on you. LAY IT ALL DOWN, MY CHILD! Let Me care for you. Let me handle EVERYTHING that concerns you. For you take on too much in your own strength. Yoke with Me. And even when you don't see your prayers answered when and how you like, always trust that I know EXACTLY what you need when! Rest more. Struggle less. Be at peace no matter what. For I AM your peace, not your circumstances. All things are possible with Me! The battle is heating up not just for your, but for My people everywhere. I AM preparing you for the days ahead. Think of it as boot camp! Take My strength as your own. Spend more time on your knees in prayer. Just do it! And remember that I have overcome the world!

Building spiritual muscle

Building physical muscle hurts.  Muscles get sore and stiff.  They don't grow without effort, sweat, and pain. Same holds true for spiritual muscles.  It hurts to grow up spiritually.   Exercising faith in the direst of circumstances is hard.  Very hard.  It hurts. Exercising faith when you see no results is even harder!  At least with physical muscles, you see the results!  But when you grow spiritual muscle, it is not always as perceptible.   But we still have to keep on "flexing," doing "reps."  God increases the weight because He knows how much we can bear. Sometimes, you feel like you're going to drop the "barbells" because you feel crushed under the weight of it all.  You cry out, "Jesus!  Help!" But sometimes, He doesn't lift the weight from you.  This, too, is hard.  Very hard.   He. Wants. To. Strengthen. You. Sure, it would be easier if He would just take the weight off already. But then ...

True strength

I came upon a Scripture today that I wasn't familiar with.  It stood out and caught my eye. "But they will be held guilty, They whose strength is their god." Habakkuk 1:11b It got me thinking.  How many people go through life thinking that they don't need God, that they are strong enough to handle life on their own, thank you very much? Does this mean we are supposed to be a bunch of weaklings, with no backbone or strength of our own?  Not at all. Let's compare for a moment our own strength - even the strongest of the strong - against the strength and power of God.  This is ludicrous!  There is no comparison!   The One who holds not only us together, keeps this world spinning around, and controls everything in the universe by the power of His might, is Almighty.  He is omnipotent. Our "strength" is nowhere near how strong God is! When we admit our weakness, come to Him admitting that we need His strength in order to live a life that pleases Him, t...

Strength Will Come as We Wait

  Tired from waiting for someone or something to change?  Does waiting wear you out? There is a kind of waiting that renews our energy and strength instead of sapping it - that is, when we wait on the Lord.  Wait for His Presence in your quiet time.  Wait for His answer to your prayers.  Wait for Him to deliver, heal, restore, and provide.  As we wait on Him for more of Himself and His provision, our soul finds rest.  We are strengthened.   May this song be a reminder of these things! Lord Jesus, help we wait well.  Please remind me that Your timing is perfect in all things. Give me grace to wait on You and trust that Your Presence is always here with me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen

Stand Strong

Here is my latest song.  Warning: you will not be able to get the hook out of your mind!  Sing on! "Be on your guard; stand firm  in the faith; be courageous; be strong." I Corinthians 16:13