God's will?

When Paul was Saul, he thought he was doing the Lord's work by killing Christians.  I know.  Doesn't seem possible, yet that's how it was.

Job's friends thought they knew best when preaching at Job, yet they were thorns in his side at a time when he really needed some good friends.  

So how do we know when we are truly doing God's will?  How do we know when we are working for Him and not the enemy? 

Yes, I believe it is that black and white.  

Jesus Himself said we are either for Him, or against Him.

So all of you “grey area" thinkers, listen up!  

There are two forces at work in and around us at all times. One is Almighty God (what most call "good" but they don't attach the Lord to it).  The other is Satan.  I really hate capitalizing his name, but that's how it is spelled. 

When you are born again, you now have spiritual discernment.  Without the Holy Spirit, we can't really discern right from wrong, good from evil, to the extent that we need.

How do I know this? Look around, friends!  We've come to a point in history where evil is "acceptable," even labeled "good," and true goodness is suspect at best, and labeled "evil" at worst.

None of this takes God by surprise.  And when He tells me that it's only going to get worse, I just sigh.

My advice?  We'd better be so strong in the Lord, in His Spirit, or we won't be able to stand what's coming down the pike.

We must be so strong in God, knowing His Word intimately (He is the Word), that we know we are really doing His will and not the enemy's!

Whenever you give into petty arguments online, that is not God’s work.

Whenever you feel any sort of hatred or bitterness creep into your heart, that is not God’s work.

Whenever you are doing good works to be seen by men, Jesus says that you have already received your reward here and now. But it isn’t His work.

Christ’s works can only be done by Christ! So unless we are allowing Him to work in and through us, the rest is just wood, hay, and stubble.

When we love those who mistreat us, we are doing God’s will. 

When we refuse to forgive others, we are doing the devil’s will.

When we admit our need of a Savior, we are in God’s will.

When we pridefully think we are capable in and of ourselves, that is the enemy’s doing.

How can we be sure we are doing God’s will and not the enemy’s, or our own?

He will give us His beautiful peace as our assurance.

We must stay in His Word to stay spiritually strong. We must give in to Him and yield to Him. We must want to please Him above all else (including self!).

The battle is real. The battle is fierce.  But when you belong to the Lord, you have His Almighty power and strength inside of you.  He wins.  He fights for you.  But we must remain humbly connected to Him through prayer, worship, and obedience.

Let us do God's will while it is still day!

Dear Lord.  When I think of all You have done for us and all that You give us, it is truly humbling.  Help us to always know and do Your will, Heavenly Father.  Give us Your wisdom and discernment at all times so that we may fulfill Your calling on our lives - to love and know You and to do Your will!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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