My passion is spiritual growth. I want to grow not only in the knowledge of the Lord, but in His grace and character. This is a holy work done by His Holy Spirit in me and through me. Please note the word work here - for it is work! It is hard. Why? Because it goes against the grain of our culture, for the most part. We stand out, or at least should, when we truly follow Jesus and His ways. We cling to our hope in Christ. The world clings to the stock market or whatever else gives them a sense of "security." We look for a better world to come. The world fights like crazy to preserve this world, their earthly lives. Note: of course we are to be caretakers and take the best care possible of the Lord's world here and now. But Christians know that this is not the final world. We discern good from evil and are not afraid to say so. The world has come to call evil good and good evil (never thought I'd li...