Being set apart
Christ calls us to be holy. We cannot manufacture holiness on our own. No way, no how.
There is no action, no mantra, no position, no words, no anything that can make us holy.
So why would Jesus tell us to be something that we cannot be?
Enter Holy Spirit.
To be holy means to be set apart. But how? For whom? For what?
Set apart can mean, for some, to be separate from the world, separate from others; kind of like being an oddball, a square peg in a round-hole world.
But Jesus was not a recluse and He was entirely holy. Jesus was engaged in teaching, healing, performing miracles, eating, drinking, "doing life," as we call it these days, fully and completely. But it was never an outside-in job. He was acting from the Spirit of God in Him, inside-out.
Christians can be tempted to think that acquiring holiness is something they need to "do" on the outside, like give up something (sinful habits), or do certain things more (go to church more). But (thankfully!) that is not what Jesus has in mind for us when He tells us to be holy like Himself.
To be like someone else is impossible, right? We can only be ourselves. But when we are born again with God's Spirit, guess what? We now have the fullness of God Himself living in us. Why is that important? Because that is the only way we can obey Jesus in His command to be holy - by letting God be holy through us.
That's right. Any holiness we possess is all due to Jesus living inside of us via His Holy Spirit. It's even in His Name! Holy Spirit. We don't have any old "holy" spirit in us (think of other religious practices that require people to bow a certain way, or sit in a certain position, or recite mechanical prayers, trying to appease their god). No. We have the Holy Spirit, the only genuinely holy entity there is.
We cannot earn it. We cannot really do anything other than be in tune as best we can to the Holy Spirit and His leading in us. Everything from cleaning the floor, to preparing a meal, to going to church - all are now imbued with Christ's holiness simply because we belong to Him.
Caveat: we can quench the holiness inside of us by kowtowing to other spirits hovering around us, threatening to usurp the Holy Spirit's place in our hearts and lives. Such as? The list is endless! But here are just a few of the spirits competing for our attention, causing us to step out of our God-given holiness:
1. Distractions from people, social media, etc.
2. Bowing down to our own agendas instead of following Christ and His lead
3. Not spending enough quiet time alone with Jesus in His Word, listening to Him
4. Not really caring about holiness, thinking it is unattainable or doesn't matter
5. Falling for lesser gods and what they "offer" but only falling short
6. Wanting anyone or anything else more than God
7. Afraid to surrender to the Holy Spirit
I guess the question is, do we really desire to obey Christ in this area of holiness? As I said, it is not out of reach for us. It is not an outside-in job. Do we fear looking strange to others?
But remember, Christ set us apart! So we will look strange to most others, including some Christians.
Set apart to love and worship Him above all. Set apart to know Him and to keep getting to know Him better through obeying Him. Set apart for His use and purposes, not to live our version of our "best life."
Holiness is not walking around with hands in praying position, trying to appear holy. Holiness is not trying to curry God's favor - we already possess His favor (there is no condemnation in Christ). Holiness is not checking the church attendance box. Holiness is not acting humble. Holiness is not about appearances at all.
We don't need to think about how we "look" when God's holiness truly exudes from us. It simply is.
We don't need to fear holiness. Others who truly want to know the real God will be drawn to His holiness in us. We're simply His vessels.
So what do you think? Do you want to be holy? Do you understand how, if you belong to Christ, you are set apart?
Like most other character qualities that we are taught to have as Christians, they only come about in us through surrender. As we surrender, we are no longer drawn to those lesser gods. As we surrender, the fullness of God has sway in us. As we surrender, His love, peace, joy, patience, kindness and all the rest come through us outward to others without us really "trying" at all.
So where is our effort in all of this? As doers (!), we want something to do for Jesus. Here it is. Wait for it...
Surrender. Allow. Rest. Be still. Wait on God. Relax. Let God be Lord over your to-do list!
Don't worry. You will still be active. Only as a surrendered child of God, now your activities will have the mark of His holiness. And it is a beautiful thing.
Dear God. The fact that we can be holy in You is mind boggling! There is nothing "set apart" about us without You in our lives. Thank You and praise You that You have set us apart to be holy. Thank You that it is not weird or strange, but that it is part of our glorious inheritance as Your children! Alleluia! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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