Reality vs reality
Did you know that there is an ultimate, true Reality? There is also the reality of what we can see, touch, and feel. I have been asking the Lord a lot lately to please reveal more of His Reality to me. This is because like you, I can get bogged down in the earthly, daily "reality" of life. The Lord tells us to hope in Himself. When we hope in earthly things, accomplishments, places, people, and things, we miss the mark. Did you know that that is the literal definition of the word sin? To miss the mark, as in when we aim an arrow at the target and miss. How to straddle Reality and reality? After all we are not in heaven quite yet. We live in these earthen vessels for now with all of their issues and problems. We do not waft on a cloud of perfect peace most days. At least I don't. Instead, I welcome anxiety and confusion. "Come on in!" I say. But they do not have a place in the life and heart of a Christ-follower. ...