Reality vs reality

Did you know that there is an ultimate, true Reality?  There is also the reality of what we can see, touch, and feel.

I have been asking the Lord a lot lately to please reveal more of His Reality to me.  This is because like you, I can get bogged down in the earthly, daily "reality" of life.

The Lord tells us to hope in Himself.  When we hope in earthly things, accomplishments, places, people, and things, we miss the mark.  Did you know that that is the literal definition of the word sin?  To miss the mark, as in when we aim an arrow at the target and miss.

How to straddle Reality and reality?  After all we are not in heaven quite yet.  We live in these earthen vessels for now with all of their issues and problems.  We do not waft on a cloud of perfect peace most days.  At least I don't.

Instead, I welcome anxiety and confusion.  "Come on in!" I say.  But they do not have a place in the life and heart of a Christ-follower.  

Christ has promised to give us His peace no matter what.  I just now thought of Jesus sleeping in the boat during the horrific storm at sea with His disciples.  Dear Jesus!  What an example you gave us in this scene!

Why can't we embody that same peace?  We can, or else Jesus wouldn't have told us to do so.  But we don't!

We let the cares and worries of this world take the upper hand sometimes.  We know the truth.  We know that we can access His sweet, effortless peace 24/7.  So why don't we?

Lapses.  We lapse from that lovely true Reality of His Presence, wisdom, power, peace, knowledge, joy, light and love into the "reality" of our emotions, what we see, think, feel, and our surrounding circumstances.

Did you know that we can make anything our god or lord at any given moment?  This is what I mean by the two realities.  Non-Christians only get the one reality.  Poor souls.

But as Christians, we know the capital "R" Reality of our Lord Jesus Christ and all that He is.  And all that He is is ours!  Oh what fools we become when we "leave" that Reality for the lesser gods of turmoil, doubt, fear, and anxiety.

That's about all this world has to offer, kids: the gods of fear, doubt, and anxiety.  Oh there are plenty of distractions and "medications" to gloss over this small "r" reality.  But that is not "where" we are to live as Christ's disciples.

But we can be like His disciples in the boat, "Lord!  Save us!  Don't you see the storm going on?  Don't You care?"

Jesus:  "Chill out, kids.  I am in absolute control.  Even the winds and the storms must obey me."  Then He commands the winds and waves to be at peace.  And they are.

This is our God!  This is our Lord!  This is our amazing, all-powerful God!  For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Yet we still wrestle and can fall prey to much lesser, far lesser, gods when we do not have to.

I'm here to tell you that there is a much greater Reality available for Christians.  We simply have to trust the Lord and believe in His Reality!  He exists!  He is real!  More real than anything of the other "realities" of this world.

When anxiety, doubt, fear, frustration and the like come knocking on our door, we do not have to answer!  "Go away!  I live, walk, and breathe in God's Reality!  Be gone!"

Oh the riches we have when we are in Christ.  Oh to live in that Reality more often than not.

We have a choice!  We are never victims of our circumstances, feelings, thoughts, or people.  Ever!  Feelings can be overwhelming, I know.  Especially if we are in the habit of giving into them, the petulant brats they can be!

So I guess it comes down to this.  Who is our God or god at any given moment?  The god of our feelings, reasoning, doubt, fear, and what this world has to offer?  Or the one true living Almighty God ever ready to deliver, rescue, heal, and provide for us?

May we see His Reality more and more and may it overpower the other realities of life!  This is not escapism, dear ones, but the power and right of every born again child of God!  We do not have to fear the storm around our "boat."  No siree bob.  For we know the Lord over the storms of life.  He is right there in our boat with us!  How can we miss this?!  

Oh the simplicity of being a child of God.

Dear Lord.  When I am tempted to look at anyone or anything else other than keep my gaze on You, please come to my aid.  Remind me of exactly who You are, Lord.  Be Lord over my ever-changing emotions.  Be Lord over my anxious thoughts.  Be my Lord truly, wholly, and fully.  For it is there, in Your Reality where I find the rest, peace, and joy my soul longs for.  Do not let me miss the mark, O God!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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