
Showing posts with the label the law

Rules and regulations or relationship?

Rules and regulations leave me cold.  They are there for our good, as boundaries to protect us.  But they are lifeless.  Jesus is alive.  God walked this earth.  Jesus conquered death once and for all by rising from the dead.  He never died and neither will we.  We will live forever in either heaven or hell.  This is God's design. We can know God here and now!  We don't have to wait until heaven! He has given us His Word, the Scriptures, wherein He reveals Himself to us.  He has blessed us with His Holy Spirit so that we may understand the Scriptures.   God wants us!   God wants an intimate, personal relationship with each and every one of us. We were born to be in relationship with Him.  This is our highest and truest purpose. We were born for relationships with people, yes.  But our ultimate relationship is with the Lord Jesus Christ. Why would anyone deify rules and regulations - get their identity or sat...