
Showing posts with the label prayer

Setting intentions, or actually seeking God?

I'm trying to figure out why the popular fad of "setting an intention" bothers me.  It bothers me because it is creeping into even Christian circles. There is a vast difference between prayer and "setting intentions."  How do I know?  Scripture. The intent of our hearts is simply the condition of our hearts.  Do we seek God solely to worship Him?  Do we seek Him to help us "manifest" our intentions?  Ugh! We must be very careful in these End Times.  Remember, our enemy is crafty and sneaky, subtle and not obvious in his attempts to steer us away from Christ.  He is happy to use "good" - ideas that help us feel more in control, ideas that rely on self more than God (placate our flesh) - rather than blatant evil. I see it as a matter of who is in charge.  The only way to get our hearts right, and have good will, is to allow the Holy Spirit His work in our lives, transforming us by His power, grace, His Word, and in His ways. I think the danger ...

Lessons from Nehemiah, chapter one

I just started a Bible study on the book of Nehemiah.  Here's what I've learned so far from chapter one, and the first few verses from chapter two. Nehemiah had a mission from God.  He was to rebuild the the walls of Jerusalem. It was quite a job ahead of him.  He knew he was going to need help from the powers that be.  He needed to ask for King Artaxerxes' help. Before he approached the king, Nehemiah did a few things first. First, he mourned, wept, prayed, and fasted before God. He reminded God of God's faithfulness, His promises to His chosen people that He gave through Moses, and His covenant with them.   Nehemiah knew God, God's character, God's history with His people, the Jews.  Nehemiah confessed the great sins of his people as well as confessed his own sins before God.  Nehemiah was part of the problem.  Now, God was going to use him to bring about His solution. God chooses whom He chooses.  God knew Nehemiah's heart.  God ...

Knee work

I believe that all prayers to God are good and that He hears every one of them. But I have found that when I pray on my knees, there is a supernatural power found there.  God still may not answer my prayers in a way that I want, but it is not always about "getting" answers.  Praying on my knees is a faith-builder nonetheless because it draws me closer to Him. This is because it shows my dependence on God, my need of Him.  The posture of being on my knees reminds me that my place is to be humble before Him.  It reminds me that He is Lord, worthy of my reverence. Do I believe He hears me better when I pray on my knees?  I do not. I believe that He hears all of our prayers, written, spoken, thought but not spoken out loud, sighs, anywhere, any time, all the time. But there is something about getting on my knees to pray that calms me, centers me, brings me to a better place simply by doing it.  It is not magic.  But I believe the Lord is pleased to no end ...

A freeing prayer to pray

This or better. I read this in a book years ago and it stuck with me.  Whenever I pray it over a situation or person or place, I am free inside. We cling too tightly to a desired outcome at times.  All I know is that controlling people - those who try to control everything and everyone in their midst - are miserable people.   They may even appear happy.  But deep down, they have no real peace.  How do I know this?  Because there can only be one God or god on the throne of our lives and hearts at any given time.  And if it is not the Lord, there will be turmoil and uncertainty. If we persist in trying to keep juggling stuff we have no business juggling, there is always a price to pay.  The price is stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear. Is it really worth it?   Wouldn't you rather have that deep, abiding, nothing-can-touch-it peace of Christ ruling in your hearts instead? It seems like the answer should be obvious.  Everyone w...

Thriving during a pandemic

Is this even possible?  Our world has literally been turned upside down.  And none of us have ever lived through such a worldwide event.  It is sort of like what those who lived through WWII must have felt like - lives being lost, uncertainty as to the end of it, feeling out of control. Yet if we look at the art that was produced during the 40's, it is some of the richest we have ever produced!  I half jokingly always say that no good movies have been made since 1949, because so many of the outstanding ones were produced back in the day. People went on with their lives and were able to bounce back after all. But, you may say, they didn't have to wear masks wherever they went and were able to gather in the same space without fear!  True. But there also seemed to be a core to people back then - a spiritual, deeply rooted core that seems lacking today.  The world has never been so divided and it hurts. So on top of the concerns for our physical well-being and ...

Distractions be gone!

I have come to realize that we can control many of the things distracting us away from our relationship with Christ, our center, our peace.  We can control how much time we spend on social media, watching TV, and so on.  These are the sorts of distractions we do not have to succumb to.   However, some distractions are beyond our control.   Other people's behavior can be a huge distraction, especially when they are intentionally messing with you. Some people are actually bothered by your peace and will do all they can to push your buttons, to try and upset you.   Now are they just playing harmless games with you?  Or is it much more serious than that? Years ago, the Lord moved me to tune in to a certain talk show.  I didn't usually watch this show, so I wasn't sure why He was leading me to watch it. What I saw I will never forget.   Miss America was the guest.  The host of the show asked her how she keeps her poise while wa...

My 40-day fast - prayers

A prayer I wrote on Day 3 of my fast: O Lord, I want to be more aware of Your Presence with me. Please show up in a more tangible way, Lord Jesus,  Holy Spirit, I want to be close to You, sweet Lord.  Please be close to me. Take my thoughts, reasonings, etc., and get me to a simple place!  Simply resting in Your Presence as I go about my daily routine. I invite You, my Lord, into all of it!  Where I have kept You at arm's length, I now say I want You closer, in all of it.  Everything!  In every relationship, in my work, in my music, in how I treat You and others, O Lord, take me higher with You!  More with  You.  More aware of You! I feel I am more aware of You during this fast, but not as much as possible.  Not as "cloud 9," but a simple and pure awareness - Your love and joy and peace always around me, with me, in me. I don't know how else to pray, Lord!  But I just want more of You!  More of You, sweet Lord!  And if thi...