Setting intentions, or actually seeking God?

I'm trying to figure out why the popular fad of "setting an intention" bothers me.  It bothers me because it is creeping into even Christian circles.

There is a vast difference between prayer and "setting intentions."  How do I know?  Scripture.

The intent of our hearts is simply the condition of our hearts.  Do we seek God solely to worship Him?  Do we seek Him to help us "manifest" our intentions?  Ugh!

We must be very careful in these End Times.  Remember, our enemy is crafty and sneaky, subtle and not obvious in his attempts to steer us away from Christ.  He is happy to use "good" - ideas that help us feel more in control, ideas that rely on self more than God (placate our flesh) - rather than blatant evil.

I see it as a matter of who is in charge.  The only way to get our hearts right, and have good will, is to allow the Holy Spirit His work in our lives, transforming us by His power, grace, His Word, and in His ways.

I think the danger lies when we think that our "intentions" have power.  That is bordering on witchcraft and idolatry.

We are to desire God's will above our own.  It's an exchange.  Our will for His.  But if we get in the way by setting even the "best" intentions, we are tempted to think that we are in the driver's seat.

All I know is that the Bible never uses the word "intention" in relation to prayer or seeking God.  

Yes, we are to set our hearts on God.  That is not an intention.  That is a decision.  That is a practice. That is a grace offered to us by God Himself, that we even want to seek Him!

Maybe it's only semantics, you may say.  But words matter!  Their meaning matters.

Feel free to see for yourself here exactly how and where the word intention, or intent, is used in Scripture.

It is always best to go to the Source Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, for any revelation of truth and reality.  Do not be deceived, friends!

Nothing beats prayer: speaking to God, worshiping God, listening to God, saying the Lord's Prayer, simply pouring our hearts out to Him, as David did in his beautiful Psalms.  It is more than a conversation.  It is our seeing the Lord as He is: seated on the Throne, in full command, worthy of all of our worship and praise.

We allow Him in the "driver's seat" of our heart and lives because He is Lord.  He is all wisdom.  He possesses all authority. 

And the Lord just now brought this to mind: the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Seeking God to obey Him is light years away from setting your own intentions, even your best intentions.

We set our hearts on God and that will purify our wills and intents.  

Words matter.  I encourage you to stick with (or start?) praying and not concern yourself with anything else other than getting to know God better, obeying Him, and worshiping Him.  

Dear Lord.  I see so many ways the enemy is trying to get into the hearts and minds of believers, Your followers.  The enemy's ways can seem harmless. But make no mistake! We know from Your Word that the devil's only agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy.  Thank You, O God, for the privilege we have through prayer, that You hear us, that You answer us, that we may come into Your Presence at all because of the blood of Jesus.  May You transform our hearts as we seek You, pray to You, commune with You, and adore You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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