
Showing posts with the label choices

A freeing prayer to pray

This or better. I read this in a book years ago and it stuck with me.  Whenever I pray it over a situation or person or place, I am free inside. We cling too tightly to a desired outcome at times.  All I know is that controlling people - those who try to control everything and everyone in their midst - are miserable people.   They may even appear happy.  But deep down, they have no real peace.  How do I know this?  Because there can only be one God or god on the throne of our lives and hearts at any given time.  And if it is not the Lord, there will be turmoil and uncertainty. If we persist in trying to keep juggling stuff we have no business juggling, there is always a price to pay.  The price is stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear. Is it really worth it?   Wouldn't you rather have that deep, abiding, nothing-can-touch-it peace of Christ ruling in your hearts instead? It seems like the answer should be obvious.  Everyone w...

Why God hates lukewarm

Did you know that God hates some things?  He is love. But He still has hatred for some things. He hates sin.  He loves the sinner, but hates the sin. He hates lukewarm because it is useless. Think about it.  Can you even stand a lukewarm sip of coffee?!  I know I can't.  Coffee is meant to be served either hot or cold. If people are lukewarm toward you, that is another word for apathetic.  They just don't care.  To me, that is even worse than hatred. Jesus spoke plainly when He said that we are either for Him, or against Him. God wants us either hot or cold toward Him, but not in between.  Lukewarm serves no purpose - that is why God hates it! This Scripture in the book of Revelation is scary stuff.  And how can you be sure that you are either hot or cold?   The choice is yours to make. You make up your mind if you are for God or against Him.  No Switzerland here!  There is no neutrality when it comes to your relationship ...

What's your one thing?

David asked the Lord for one thing: that he may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. Is that your one thing?   What do you desire above all else?  If you had to whittle it down to one thing, what would it be?  Honestly. We live in Distractionville all of us.  And it can ruin us if we let it.   It steals our ability to focus and concentrate for any length of time.  It causes anxiety and stress.   Do we know how to settle down and be still any more? Can we stop worshiping the Busy god and admit that it does not fulfill us as we want? Or maybe your god is keeping up with the latest "trends" and "posts."  This god, too, will fail us. What if, just saying, our one thing were the same as David's?  What if the thing we most valued and treasured were His Presence?  That is what dwelling in the house of the Lord means: intimacy with God.  Valuing His Presence more than anything. When we do this, Distraction...