Why God hates lukewarm

Did you know that God hates some things?  He is love. But He still has hatred for some things.

He hates sin.  He loves the sinner, but hates the sin.

He hates lukewarm because it is useless.

Think about it.  Can you even stand a lukewarm sip of coffee?!  I know I can't.  Coffee is meant to be served either hot or cold.

If people are lukewarm toward you, that is another word for apathetic.  They just don't care.  To me, that is even worse than hatred.

Jesus spoke plainly when He said that we are either for Him, or against Him.

God wants us either hot or cold toward Him, but not in between.  Lukewarm serves no purpose - that is why God hates it!

This Scripture in the book of Revelation is scary stuff.  And how can you be sure that you are either hot or cold?  

The choice is yours to make.

You make up your mind if you are for God or against Him.  No Switzerland here!  There is no neutrality when it comes to your relationship with and toward God.

So what's a girl to do?

Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and your neighbor as yourself.  This sums up all the law and the prophets. 

So what part of your heart are you holding back from God?  What part am I holding back?  

When you've been hurt a lot in life, it becomes harder to trust.  No one wants to keep on getting hurt.  But the Lord does not want us to put our trust in people anyway, but in Him alone.  

But if we close off our hearts, or any part of it, toward God, whatever our reasons, then we are the ones who lose.  Not just because we fear being spit out of His mouth, but because we are missing out on true life.

But if we dare to remain vulnerable to God, to keep offering up our entire hearts to Him, that is the only chance we have at living a gracious, grateful, and meaningful life.

We choose to put and keep God first by seeking Him and His Word daily and by obeying what He tells us to do.

This is how we "fan the flame," so to speak, of our love for God, how we stay "hot" toward Him.  It is not a given!  Like any close relationship, it takes time, work, and devotion.  

Our sin nature, or flesh, is opposed to God.  Someone who is not born again will have zero interest in God or having a relationship with Him because it is not possible.  Only when God becomes alive in our hearts are we drawn to Him, to have a close relationship with Him, and love and adore Him.  It is only God in us, via the Holy Spirit, that desires more of God.

The trick is to not quench or offend the Holy Spirit through any deliberate or willful sin.  Again, we have a choice.  God always honors the gift of free will that He has given us.  And what a gift!  No excuses.  We are each of us responsible for ourselves in how we respond to God, or not.

So stir up those embers!  If you find yourself lukewarm toward God, or worse, apathetic, pray and ask Him to revive your spirit and bring you to life!  He will do it!

Dear Lord.  You have given us everything.  Please help us to never take for granted the privilege of knowing You.  Draw us closer to Yourself, Lord Jesus.  Woo us with Your love so that we are never lukewarm toward You, but full of Your love, grace, and mercy.  For You are Lord and worthy of our whole heart.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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