
Showing posts with the label security

A recipe for insecurity

I've seen this a lot.  Some of the most "successful" people are deeply insecure.  Why is this and how can it be?  After all, they seem to have everything they want, like they have it "all together." It's very simple. We are not created to find our identity - self-worth - outside ourselves.  Why not?  Because outer parameters can change.  In an instant. And somewhere deep down, our soul knows this.   Jobs can be lost. Relationships can fail. Homes can burn down. Reputations can be ruined. Good health can diminish. Possessions can be stolen. The stock market can crash. Everything and everyone that people try to get identity from is essentially as a vapor.  Oh these things may appear  lasting and may offer a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. But God has more for us.  God designed us for more.  God wants us.  And until He becomes our only  Source of security, we will always, on some level, feel insecure. The insec...

Your identity, your security

On what is your identity based?  What makes you you?  Are you listening to our culture's definition of what and who is important? If the devil can get you at the root, the core, your very identity, all else in your life will follow suit - be messed up, confusing, and just not right.  But the sad fact is that these things may "feel" or appear alright when deep down they are most certainly not. Identity is found in so many ways.  The world's ways are superficial and temporary.  They either crumble quickly or may take awhile to disintegrate, but crumble they will.  The hard part is to see them for what they are because in and of themselves, they are not bad things.  But when they become as gods in your heart and lives, they have no real substance or sustaining power because they were not meant to bring you true and lasting security and peace.  Only Christ gives us that. What are these false foundations?  Here are just a few:  looks prestige...