A recipe for insecurity

I've seen this a lot.  Some of the most "successful" people are deeply insecure.  Why is this and how can it be?  After all, they seem to have everything they want, like they have it "all together."

It's very simple. We are not created to find our identity - self-worth - outside ourselves.  Why not?  Because outer parameters can change.  In an instant.

And somewhere deep down, our soul knows this.  

Jobs can be lost.
Relationships can fail.
Homes can burn down.
Reputations can be ruined.
Good health can diminish.
Possessions can be stolen.
The stock market can crash.

Everything and everyone that people try to get identity from is essentially as a vapor.  Oh these things may appear lasting and may offer a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

But God has more for us.  God designed us for more.  God wants us.  And until He becomes our only Source of security, we will always, on some level, feel insecure.

The insecurity recipe goes something like this:

1 cup of bank account
1/2 cup social connections
2 cups job title
1 ounce prestige
4 TB new clothes
3 cups family connections

Only problem is when you combine all of these, you think you're getting the best "meal" of all, but you are actually coming up empty.

Don't get me wrong.  I realize that these things all "feel" good and can make us feel quite good in ourselves.  Look what I've done! we may think.  And there is nothing wrong with working hard and "getting ahead" except for this one thing.  If we believe that these things will make us feel truly and deeply and lastingly secure within ourselves, we will never feel "full" from this meal.  We will always be "hungry" for more because we were made for more.

We were made for communion with God.  We were made to get our security and identity in Him.  That is the only time we will ever truly feel and actually be secure - both in this life and the one to come.

So exactly how do we move from this recipe to the one that will actually work?

Enter God.  

When we belong to God, He will see to it that none of these things or people satisfy us fully.  We will realize it sooner or later when we lose our job, a loved one leaves us or dies, we get overlooked for that promotion, we lose our home to unforeseen circumstances, etc., etc. 

When "bad" things happen, and all that we placed our hope, trust, and security in run amok, where do we turn?  

I think of it as a hub.  With God at the center of the wheel, the wheel can properly turn and function and move forward.  But with all the other stuff as the hub, the wheel will always be rickety, wobbly, not truly or fully functioning as it should.  

Living with God inside us as our truest and deepest place of security doesn't happen overnight.  He may need to remove a few things or people from us in order for us to get to the truth of life.

Jesus is the only sure Foundation of life.  When we know this and live from this truth, He may still bless us with the outer accoutrements but - and this is a big but - we will no longer place our hopes and identity in them.  And this makes all the difference to our inner peace and security.

We may have nice things, but they don't have us. 
We still love people, but we no longer worship them as gods.
We may be richer than Midas, but money means nothing to us.
We may own a lovely home, but we still pine for our eternal Home with Jesus.

There is an inner transformation work that only God can do in our hearts.  As He whittles away at our idols, our false sense of security, the real us emerges.  We are free.  We are unfettered.  Nothing owns us.  We know that we belong because we belong to God.

And that is the most delicious recipe ever.

Dear Lord.  Thank You for making us for communion with You.  What a gift!  What a priceless treasure!  For nothing and no one else truly satisfies, makes us whole, gives us worth as You do, sweet Lord. Thank You that our security is found in You and You alone.  This will be made apparent in the end.  But we don't have to wait until then!  So thank You for filling us up and only You can, Lord.  Thank You for being our everlasting and unchangeable Source of security.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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