
Showing posts with the label daily life

The church is not an organization

The church is not an organization. At least it is not supposed to be.  Yet when it starts using the ways of the world to "operate," it loses its power, its true intention and purpose.   The church is simply the people of God.  And the people of God, born again through Christ Jesus, are not a physical building but the Body of Christ.  Living.  Moving.  Having our being in Him. The physical church is simply a gathering place to meet and worship Christ.  It is a building.  Yes, it should be holy, different from other buildings.  But if the building went missing, the church would still be alive and well because we are  the church. We are God's temple, the place where His glory dwells. Yes, the church is important - people need a place to go where they can learn about and, hopefully, meet the one, true, living God. But when the church becomes more of an organization, a company, if you will, then God is not pleased with that. Do we serve ...