The church is not an organization

The church is not an organization. At least it is not supposed to be.  Yet when it starts using the ways of the world to "operate," it loses its power, its true intention and purpose.  

The church is simply the people of God.  And the people of God, born again through Christ Jesus, are not a physical building but the Body of Christ.  Living.  Moving.  Having our being in Him.

The physical church is simply a gathering place to meet and worship Christ.  It is a building.  Yes, it should be holy, different from other buildings.  But if the building went missing, the church would still be alive and well because we are the church.

We are God's temple, the place where His glory dwells.

Yes, the church is important - people need a place to go where they can learn about and, hopefully, meet the one, true, living God.

But when the church becomes more of an organization, a company, if you will, then God is not pleased with that.

Do we serve Christ only within the walls of our church?  Hopefully, we serve Him wherever we go.  Is our relationship with Christ found within the walls of church, only on Sunday?  Hopefully, our relationship with Him is our vital reason for being 24/7.

So the church definitely has its place.  But we must remember that we are the church wherever we are!  In the home, at work, even at the grocery store.  For we carry within us the Lord Himself in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

We can minister anywhere, and should.  Our presence, our smile, our "vibe," if you will, should all reflect Christ to others.  Our acceptance and love of others - this is a ministry in itself - for people need to know that they are loved not only by people but by God Himself.  We offer this Good News to them in countless ways.  By directly sharing the Gospel, yes.  But in countless other ways, too!

As we treat others with kindness, mercy, and compassion, we are "having church" in a way that reaches those who may never set foot in a church.  

Jesus taught in the temple.  But He also ministered - healed, delivered, taught, gave sermons - wherever God sent Him daily.  In a boat, on a mountain, at the beach, going to someone's home - He ministered wherever He went and He also worshiped God wherever He went.  He prayed wherever He was.  

The point in all of this?  Let's not confine our "spiritual selves" to one day a week in a building.  We're missing the point if that is the way we live and define being a Christian.

No one likes being confined.  We had this driven home over the past year during lock downs and quarantines!  

God lives in us.  Let us not confine Him to a church building but let us allow Him use us everywhere we are.

We are to live out our faith 24/7, within and outside the church building.  Like Jesus.  Jesus is not coming back for buildings!  He is coming back for us - His people.  We, the church, will meet Him in the air when He returns, leaving all edifices behind.  Glory to God!  What a day that will be!

Dear Lord, please help us realize that we are to worship You every day, not just on Sundays.  Show us how to "be" the church to people every day - hurting people, lost people, rebellious people - all people! without ever preaching a word unless You lead us to do so.  May our lives be a testament to Your love, grace, mercy, and truth.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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