Food, forgiveness, and freedom
I read these familiar verses this morning and they came to life for me. What do we really need in life? According to the most famous prayer in the world, our Lord's Prayer, we need: - daily bread - to receive God's forgiveness and extend the same to others - to be delivered from evil There you have it: food, forgiveness, and freedom. To be content with and ever grateful that we have food to eat every day. Of course we take this for granted. Others around the globe do not. As Christians, we are forgiven people. This is huge. Do you know how many unbelievers are walking this earth with the weight of guilt, shame, and condemnation? Another thing we take for granted - that we are forgiven in and through Christ. That need is twofold: yes, we are so gratefully and undeservedly forgiven. But the second part of that is even bigger: we are to forgive others the same exact way that Christ forgives us. How is that possible, you may wonder....