Stand strong
The Lord calls us to stand our ground in Him. This means that we do not kowtow to passing fancies of the day. Though most others may choose the broad path, we are stay on the narrow path assigned to us by the Lord. When we veer from His chosen path for us - the path of obedience - we are in dangerous territory. Though unbelievers may seem to flourish on the broad path (the operative work being "seem"), it will all come to nothing one day if they ignore God and are just doing their own thing. Don't be enamored by the world's ways. It may be slick and glossy - appealing to the eyes - but it is mere fluff. The lasting stuff is that which we do for the Lord. These are works that may go unnoticed. These may be inner qualities like patience, a forgiving spirit (or at least a willingness to forgive out of obedience to Christ), wanting Christ to be glorified in our lives - these works are gold in the Lord's eyes, though the world could care ...