Where is our focus?
Where is my focus? If it is on anyoe or anything else other than Jesus, I will get tripped up, distracted, even deceived. So how do we keep our focus on Christ? Mostly through prayer. Talk to HIm and with Him throughout the day. Trust Him to lead and guide us. our work, and be sure to obey Him. He will perform His miracles, healings, and casting out of demons through us as we stay focused on Him, stay connected to Him. As we give up control and allow Him to take over our heart - mind, will, and emotions - He lives His life through us. This is to be our core and how God does His work in this world - through our yielded selves! When we focus on the work, or on goals, instead, they can take over our hearts in place of Christ as gods to us. This always leads to stress and turmoil within because nothing else is meant to usurp Christ on the throne of our hearts. This takes surrender and trust. We won't surrender to anyone...