
Showing posts with the label Lazarus

Never think this

"It's too late," you may think. But we are not to think as the lost think.  Because when you belong to God, are obedient to Him and want nothing but His will, it is never too late. At Calvary, the disciples thought it was too late to build an earthly kingdom without their Royal Leader, Jesus. It all ended not as they had imagined it would.  Their Teacher, their Rabbi, their Lord, the Son of God, hung on a cross and with Him, all of their limited hopes and dreams. The disciples, though discipled by the greatest of all, still didn't get God's purpose in sending His only Son to die for their sins and the sins of the world. He told them over and over how His Kingdom was not of this world.  He told them that the Kingdom of God would now be within themselves, in their hearts. So you see, it was their short-sighted "plans" that were too late to accomplish.  But God's plan was just beginning!   It was too late for their miniscule plans, but not too late for ...

Here's mud in your eye!

The slow healing from God.  Sigh. Sometimes, God seems to take an inordinately long amount of time to heal someone.  Why, I don't know. It can either be a faith crusher or a faith builder, depending on how we respond to the seeming lack of interest from God. But God cares about the minutest details of our lives.   "Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Luke 12:7 "How precious to me are your thoughts, God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand..." Psalm 139:17-18a Remember when Lazarus died and the first words out of Martha's lips when Jesus finally showed up?  “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died." (John 11:21) In other words, Martha said, "Jesus, You're late." How could Jesus let her beloved brother die?  Why didn't Jesus come right away?  Didn't he care?  Didn't He love Lazarus?  Martha? Ever been there?  Maybe no one died, but your ...