Never think this

"It's too late," you may think.

But we are not to think as the lost think.  Because when you belong to God, are obedient to Him and want nothing but His will, it is never too late.

At Calvary, the disciples thought it was too late to build an earthly kingdom without their Royal Leader, Jesus. It all ended not as they had imagined it would.  Their Teacher, their Rabbi, their Lord, the Son of God, hung on a cross and with Him, all of their limited hopes and dreams.

The disciples, though discipled by the greatest of all, still didn't get God's purpose in sending His only Son to die for their sins and the sins of the world.

He told them over and over how His Kingdom was not of this world.  He told them that the Kingdom of God would now be within themselves, in their hearts.

So you see, it was their short-sighted "plans" that were too late to accomplish.  But God's plan was just beginning!  

It was too late for their miniscule plans, but not too late for God's vast, eternal plan!

And so it is in our lives, if we would but focus on the Lord and His plans instead of our own.

Martha thought it was too late for her brother to be well in the land of the living.  And by all natural standards and "common sense," she was right.

But Jesus, as usual (!), had a much bigger plan.  Jesus purposely stayed away four days until Lazarus, Martha's brother, was good and dead!  

Jesus was about to perform one of His greatest miracles for Martha and her sister Mary, proving to all that He was Lord of life and Lord over death.  Alleluia!

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead!  What Martha had thought was "too late" was not too late for the Omnipotent Son of God!

Fast forward to today, to your life.  Do you think God is "late" in answering your prayers?  In coming through for you?  In bringing His vast plan for your life to pass?

We must never think this way.  First, it shows a lack of faith in Jesus.  Second, it places our "knowing" above Omniscient God!

God is never late.

God is never late.

God is never late.

Our problem is the day and age we live in, where we expect everything, including the unfolding of our lives, to be "instant" and at the ready.  But God's timing includes the grand scheme of things, the bigger picture, and only He knows the full picture!

So as you wait and wonder, or as you wring your hands and worry, stop it!

When you belong to Christ, you can rest assured that His timing is absolutely perfect.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

He is never late.  Never.  But He is never early, either!

It all comes back to my favorite subject.  Trust.

Will you trust God no matter what?  Will you trust God when things don't go as you planned?  Will you trust God when all seems lost and hopeless?  Will you trust God when the whole world falls apart?

I suggest you get that trust muscle good and strong, develop it now so that when things really do go awry for real and globally, you know where to keep that trust: firmly planted in Christ.  You know that His timing is perfect.  You know that He knows exactly what He is doing.

Let Him expose where your trust really lies, then let Him do over in your heart until your trust is fully planted in Him and Him alone.

Oh gracious, Heavenly Father.  How vast are your ways and plans!  We cannot begin to know them.  But we can do our part which is to simply trust and obey You.  As we take steps of faith, trusting in You, Lord, we can be sure that You will always lead us into the best possible place for us and in Your perfect timing.  For You are never, no never, late! Thank You for this very powerful truth, Lord Jesus.  In Your beautiful Name I pray.  Amen.


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