Fighting the good fight

Life is a battle. We all long for peace, both within ourselves and in our world. But truth is, there are battles daily, everywhere, and within everyone. Some battles are more fierce than others. As Christians, we may grow weary of our fight against our enemy, the devil. Yes, he is most certainly a defeated foe. He lost "the" battle when Christ died and rose again. Death is defeated, so the main enemy of life is vanquished! We will live forever. Somewhere. God has written eternity in our hearts. Death has been around for a long time! So why would we think that we could ever attain immortality? How could we even fathom such a thing? Because we were meant to live forever from the start. Christ, in His mercy, even when sin entered the human race through Adam and Eve, deemed that we would never die. Of course we know that all bodies die. You can try to cling to reincarnation, or the possibility of science inv...