Fighting the good fight

Life is a battle. We all long for peace, both within ourselves and in our world.  But truth is, there are battles daily, everywhere, and within everyone.

Some battles are more fierce than others.  As Christians, we may grow weary of our fight against our enemy, the devil.  Yes, he is most certainly a defeated foe.  He lost "the" battle when Christ died and rose again. Death is defeated, so the main enemy of life is vanquished!  We will live forever.  Somewhere.

God has written eternity in our hearts.  Death has been around for a long time!  So why would we think that we could ever attain immortality?  How could we even fathom such a thing?

Because we were meant to live forever from the start.  Christ, in His mercy, even when sin entered the human race through Adam and Eve, deemed that we would never die.  

Of course we know that all bodies die.  You can try to cling to reincarnation, or the possibility of science inventing a way to "freeze" us until they come up with a cure for death!  Ha!

But we all know that death is a reality for each and every one of us.

This is not a morbid subject for those in Christ.  Quite the contrary!  We look forward to the next life because everything we ever longed for in this life we will find there.  Forever.

Peace, unity, love, the constant Presence of God, joy, unending life - it's all there waiting for us as Christ-followers!

But in the meantime!  Oh boy!

The stresses, the underlying, if not obvious, anxieties of life are all very real for us.  You can work your denial muscle all you want.  You can put your faith in your money or the government or anywhere else except in God and you know what?  They will all leave you with a feeling of insecurity.  Why?  Because everything is changeable except for Almighty God. 

He is our True North.  He is the one Constant in life that is eternal, never changes, and is the only Source that provides true meaning and security in a broken world.

As time rushes forward, we can be certain that our daily battles are here to stay until Christ returns or He takes us to be with Him.  I wish the battles didn't exist, but they do.

Is this as simple as a matter of focus and choice?  Do I simply choose to ignore the spiritual battles, the reality that the devil is scheming and plotting against all Christians everywhere?  

We focus on Christ.  But we are still engaged in spiritual warfare.  

I find in my own life that the more I draw close to Christ, the more the enemy rears his ugly head.  The more I work and do for Christ, the more it stirs up the devil's anger and hatred toward me.

How do I know and sense this?  I know how the enemy works!

The enemy wants to:

- get our eyes off of Christ onto our problems, or other people, or even onto escapism
- weaken our faith, not rendering us faithless altogether, but just lukewarm enough so as to render us useless for God's Kingdom work
- get us to major on the minors
- make us so weary that we want out, just want to give up
- isolate us
- get us so earthbound in the here and now, the cares of this world or its pleasures, that we lose our eternal purpose and focus
- get us to believe that he is as powerful as God; never fear - he doesn't come close to the Omnipotence of God!
- get us to hope in anything or anyone else other than Jesus
- render us ineffective by harboring unforgiveness in our hearts
- get us to focus on past hurts and regrets
- keep us stuck in useless patterns, habits, and ways of thinking
- keep us "religious" but not really walking in the Spirit of God

Maybe this list doesn't bother or concern you.  Maybe you think you can "handle" the devil, the hater of your soul.

If so, he has you right where he wants you.  

But remember, the devil is crafty, sneaky, and subtle.  And he is tireless in his evil plans and ways.

He wants to get us on the defense so we are so  busy fighting him that we do not take the offense and put him in his place in hell where he belongs!

Go bother someone else, loser!

I belong to Almighty God!  He bought me with His precious blood!  I am here to do His work!  I am here to glorify Him!  For He alone is Lord.

Be forewarned, if you go blithely on your way with no heed of your enemy, he will trip you up before you even know it.

Don't feel the battles?  Then I promise you that you are not fully living for Christ  The devil leaves you alone when you are not full on living for Christ.  So enjoy your lukewarm but pray to God that He doesn't spit you out of His mouth as He promises He will! (see Revelation 3:16)

Do you hold any bitterness or unforgiveness in your heart?  You are not all in with Christ then.

Do you have your own agenda still?  You are not all in with Christ then.

Do you "play church" but have no real connection to Christ?  You are not all in with Christ then.

Do you live more to impress others, save face, and worship your reputation?  You are not all in with Christ then.

Do you think the devil and spiritual warfare are all a bunch of stuff and nonsense?  You are not all in with Christ then.

What are you waiting for?  It's only going to get worse, dear ones.  We need to be girded with God's strength for the days ahead.  Don't let the devil make a fool of you!

Stay strong in the strength of the Lord.  Fight the good fight.  Do not grow weary in your service to God.

Go on and stand out like a sore thumb in your commitment to Christ!  Those who judge or mock you will not have the last laugh, I assure you.

Walk in His love.  Live by faith.  Do not give up.  Remember that this life is but a prelude to the next - and live like it.  Choose this day whom you will serve!  And may it be Almighty God!

O Lord.  You have given us all we need for life and godliness  You warn us over and over in Your Word that once we are in You, we have an enemy of our souls.  Help us to fight the daily battles armed with Your power, Spirit, love, Word, and armor.  Strengthen us so we do not grow weary.  Remind us that You are the Victor and that because we are in You, we too are the victors!  As we trust You, Lord, deliver us from all schemes and attacks from the enemy.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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