Gleaning from Isaiah 58
Oh how rich is God's Word! When we really let it soak in, the encouragement and strength we receive is unfathomable! Italicized here are some verses from Isaiah 58: 6-11, as told in the first person. Backdrop: the Jews had been fasting for the sake of fasting and had forgotten what the fast was really for: to draw closer to God, to break yokes of oppression, to satisfy deep spiritual needs - not to look "spiritual" or check it off our Christian to-do list. The Lord then goes on to list what type of "fast" does loosen the yokes, does set the oppressed free, and does feed the poor. If I share with the poor and hungry and homeless. my light will break out like dawn! My recovery will speedily go forth! Righteousness will go before me! And the glory of the Lord will be my rear guard! Alleluia! So how do I share with the poor, hungry and homeless? Of course not every Christian takes these verses literally, or ...