Jesus never tried to win over His haters
Jesus never once kowtowed to the Pharisees. They were who they were. And He didn't mince words about who they really were when He spoke to them! The Pharisees appeared to have it all together. They knew the law inside and out, and they let everyone know that they did! Only problem for them was that when Jesus came into their sphere, He embodied and fulfilled the very law which they took so much pride in knowing. But He embodied it in such a way so as to get their goat - with true authority. After all, they were the know-it-alls, so who was this Jesus (from Nazareth, of all places) to tell them what was what? How dare He? He dared. And they hated Him for it. How does this apply to us for our lives today? There will always be those who are opposed to the Gospel. Get used to it. But if you ask me, I would rather go head to head with an atheist any day than a Pharisee. It is sooooo much harder talking with s...