
Showing posts with the label redeeming the past

Make peace with your past

As I prayed on my knees the other day out of sense of longing to feel more of God's love, He spoke to my heart, "Make peace with your past." I wasn't sure what that had to do with me feeling His love for me, but I trust that He always knows what I need and what I need to do. How could making peace with my past help me feel God's personal love for me? Then it dawned on me.  I still had resentment in my heart about certain things that He allowed to happen to me.  Traumatic stuff.  Painful stuff.  Stuff that I have let form me instead of letting His love form me. But the worst of it is when I let the enemy darken my memories that were good ones!  Memories of how I obeyed God.  Like all of the times that I chose to obey Him when it didn't make sense.  But then, the enemy twists it and I remember some of the aftermath. It's not a new thing.  Throughout the Bible we see God's people obeying God, stepping out in faith, and then reaping all kinds of bad s...