The Holy Spirit leads you
We all need direction in life. We want to know the future, our destination, where we are going. What better help could we ask for than an all-knowing compass in the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and is equal to God and Jesus. They are one and the same Being. So how are we led by the Holy Spirit? We let Him! To be a follower, we must be willing to be led. It may seem a simple explanation, but unless we lay down our "rights" and also the belief that we know best, we cannot truly follow Christ via the Holy Spirit. The Spirit testifies to Truth. Always. He will never steer you wrong. But how do we know when it's the Holy Spirit leading us, and not someone else or even ourselves? Practice. As we listen to the Holy Spirit, at first it may be hit or miss. And that's ok. You hear among Christians all the time, "I thought God told me..." I'm not sure why this happens. To keep us humble?...