
Showing posts with the label Jesus as Lord

These three words set me free

I know nothing. I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but the other day I blurted out this sentence, head lowered humbly before the Lord, and do you know how He replied?   "Now I can use you." You mean You haven't been using me all along, Lord?! I believe that the Lord uses us whenever we work for Him, give to Him, give out of our love for Him and to bless others. But for some reason, it seems like when we admit that the more we think we know, the more we realize we really know nothing, God has more "room" to use us.  We get out of His way.  We get out of our own way. Compared to our all-knowing Creator God, we truly know nothing, right?  I mean He knows everything about everyone, all science (the stuff yet discovered, too), all wisdom, every number of every hair on every head (boggles the mind), every book ever written, every event in the history of the world (and why), every future event and how it's all going to play out. When we truly medi...

You're not the boss of me!

"You're not the boss of me!" is usually spoken by teenagers asserting their independence from their parents.  However, I believe it is the entire cause of all humankind's problems in one sentence! Billions of people all over the world may not say this out loud to God, but how they live their lives is proof that this is exactly how they feel toward their Maker.  How can I be so sure?  Have you seen the news?  Have you read history? The worst thing is when believers live in this way.  Oh yes, friends.  Some who say they belong to Christ have no intention of actually obeying  Him.  Again, how can I be sure?  I have eyes, don't I?! I also know my own heart.  It is still prone to disobedience and rebellion whenever I cast judgment, or hold a grudge, or want my own way, and the list goes on! But the fact is that the Lord is  the Boss of me!  And when I am walking in His Spirit, I revel in this truth, I don't run from it.  None...

Jesus as Lord over your desires

Did your flesh prick just then?  "Hey!  They are MY desires!  I can want whatever I want!" Are you in the habit of yielding to Jesus on everything?  If not, then yes, the title of this blog will prick your flesh. Am I serious?  You betcha! When you think about it, it's our desires that either lead us into good or bad choices.  Problem is, the bad ones can feel  good in the moment. So what's a girl to do? Run it by Jesus!  Jesus, is this desire of and from You?  Or is it only me? Or worse, the enemy? Desires, wishes, and feelings will come against us from our own deceitful hearts!  Yes, even those of us whose hearts are indwelt by the Holy Spirit can be led astray by our desires. Now to be sure, God can also lead us through our desires.  Most Christians have Psalm 37:4 memorized.   But we're complicated creatures.  We've been programmed by so many sources throughout our lives, not all of which were in our best interest...