You're not the boss of me!

"You're not the boss of me!" is usually spoken by teenagers asserting their independence from their parents.  However, I believe it is the entire cause of all humankind's problems in one sentence!

Billions of people all over the world may not say this out loud to God, but how they live their lives is proof that this is exactly how they feel toward their Maker.  How can I be so sure?  Have you seen the news?  Have you read history?

The worst thing is when believers live in this way.  Oh yes, friends.  Some who say they belong to Christ have no intention of actually obeying Him.  Again, how can I be sure?  I have eyes, don't I?!

I also know my own heart.  It is still prone to disobedience and rebellion whenever I cast judgment, or hold a grudge, or want my own way, and the list goes on!

But the fact is that the Lord is the Boss of me!  And when I am walking in His Spirit, I revel in this truth, I don't run from it.  None of us likes being told what to do - from the stubborn 3-year old to the defiant 40-year old!

You see when Jesus is your Lord (not only your Savior), there is freedom.  What?!  Yes, freedom!  This is so opposite of how anyone or anything else "lords" itself over us.  That is why people get confused.  They may think that God is a taskmaster barking orders and commands.  But that is not who He is!

Yes, He is Almighty God.  And yes, He is to be feared.  But not a scared fear, but a holy reverence and awe of Him.

God is God.  He is the Ruler of all.  And back in the Garden, it was the most natural thing to be ruled by Him.  And in that rule there was total freedom.  Freedom to live.  But not freedom to sin.  Therein lies the rub.

Sin is horrific.  Trouble is, we've become so accustomed to it in and around us that we no longer see it for what it is.  But God does!  And if we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, then we, too, now see it for what it is.  And as children of God, we want no part of it because we know the disastrous results it provides.

The control of the Holy Spirit is unlike human control - it is nothing like it.  There is power, love, anointing, freedom, and grace when we are under the control of the Holy Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit is the boss of us, we know who we are, why we were made, our purpose, and what to do in life.

Though rebellion toward God feels like freedom, it actually is not.  Because there is no such thing as real freedom apart from Christ.  That's just how it is!

It's topsy turvy, I know.  And what I'm saying here will make no sense to you if you are living your life in rebellion toward God by not accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.  

I believed in Jesus as the Savior of the world for years without knowing Him as Lord of my life.  There's a huge difference.  

No one but no one is lord of his or her self.  There are always consequences for disobeying God.  Always.  Whether or not you experience them right away, down the road, or for eternity, consequences there will be.

As one of my favorite songwriters, Bob Dylan, wrote, "You gotta serve somebody."

That pretty much sums it up!  

So whom are you serving?  Yourself?  God?  The devil?  Others? How do you know?

If God is not the boss of you, then, sorry to break it to you, but you are serving the other guy.  Yep.  This is hard for even me to understand because I know many "good" people who are honestly trying to live good lives, but if they are doing so apart from Christ - if they do not belong to Him yet - then there is only one other entity to whom they belong.  The devil.  

Can it be this black and white?  Ask Jesus.  He is not only the Source of truth, He is Truth!  He is the one who spells it out for us so there can be no mistaking to whom we belong.

Remember, the devil masks as an angel of light.  He is happy to use "good" people for his work.  He is subtle and crafty and is not going to broadcast what he is up to in your life.  "Go on.  Let them think they are 'good' people.  That's where we want them, so they don't go to the other side."  C.S. Lewis writes from the devil's perspective in The Screwtape Letters (aflliliate link).  You really ought to read it.  It's a real eye-opener.  

So though you may think you're fine being the boss of yourself, I suggest you think again.

I love, love, love belonging to and being owned by Christ.  It is the only true and lasting security there is.  And in it, there is the only real freedom that we want and crave and for which we were born.

Jesus is the Boss of me.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh Lord.  You are Lord!  This in and of itself warrants our absolute allegiance and bowing down to You. Thank You that when You are Boss of us that we can finally rest and relax into life, knowing that You have our best interest at heart, will always steer us in the best direciton, and give us Your everlasting peace and comfort.  Rule and reign in our hearts, Lord Jesus.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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