Loving vs being loved

Whenever I look to be loved, more than I seek to love others, I suffer.  

Whenever we look to get, we lose.  Whenever we look to give, we win.

When we give love that is not returned, we win.

When we love those who hate and mistreat us, we win.

When we love others expecting nothing in return, we win,

"But that's not fair!" you say.  I'm not talking about fairness.  I'm talking about life.

When we are not loved by those who are "supposed" to love us, it hurts.  Deeply.

You can try to reason away why they are so hateful, but it still hurts.  Remember, people have issues.

Old Testament Joseph was abandoned and left for dead by his brothers. That wasn't love.  That was hate built on a foundation of jealousy and envy. Certainly that was not how it was "supposed" to be.  Yet it happened.  But God allowed it for Joseph's ultimate good.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20

If Joseph were to keep looking for love from his brothers, he would have wasted his entire life looking for something that they could not give.  But God had other plans for him.  God was about to use Joseph in big ways.  God was even going to use Joseph to eventually bless his brothers!  If you've never read the story, please read Genesis 37-48.

When we choose to give love without looking to get love, we progress in life.  We forgive others so we can get on with living the life God has for us.

We can choose how much we love others.  We cannot control how others love us in return, if at all.

If Jesus waited for us to love Him before He loved us, we'd be sunk!

Praise Him for loving us first so that we may love others likewise.


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