
Showing posts with the label salvation

Soft or harsh?

I watched a documentary on the life of Russ Taff a little while ago and was struck by many things.  In case you are not familiar with Russ, he was a popular Christian artist back in the 80's.   I took a freeze frame from the documentary that I found fascinating.  Here it is above. Russ struggled with many demons, one being alcoholism.  He was what some would call the Prodigal Son. But Russ loved Jesus.  He had a heart for God.  You could feel it and hear it whenever he sang for the Lord.  Russ knew the real Jesus.  That happens when we come to the end of ourselves.  We finally meet the real Jesus.  And when we do, our lives are never the same.  We fall in love with the Lover of our souls, our Rescuer, our Friend. Russ's behavior didn't make him a "bad" person.  It made him human. We all struggle.  We all battle personal demons.  Some are more visible than others, that's all. I posted this pic here because it is t...

For the record

No one wants to come to Christ.  There is nothing in us that wants God.  There is no one born righteous, not even one.  We all like sheep have gone astray.  We are born in sin. There is one way and only one way people come to Christ:  He draws them.  He calls them.  He chooses them. We take zero credit for our salvation, for wanting God, for seeking God.  It is all God's doing. What about the "religious" people who faithfully worship at church, temple, mosque, or what have you, every week?  Oh that part is easy.  Anyone can set their alarm, wake up, and get themselves just about anywhere. Perhaps God is drawing them.  Or maybe they are "going to church" to win brownie points with God, curry His favor by their "good" behavior.  That won't fly. I don't make these things up!  It's all in the Bible, dear ones. You are reading this for a reason.  Perhaps God is drawing you now, by His Holy Spirit.  If you do not ...

God is calling you

Will you answer Him? He calls you through a myriad of means.  He wants you to find and know Him, for therein lies true life. So what are you doing to push Him away?  Ignore Him?  And why? Don't fall for the lie that you can "do life" on your own.  We none of us were created that way.  We need God. Not only to save us from hell, though that is surely reason enough!  But so that we can know our true purpose in life, why we were created, where we are going. A branch that is cut off the tree withers and dies.  Once it is no longer attached to its source of life, that's it - there is now other possibility for it but death. Like that branch, if we are cut off from God - when we do not receive Him as Lord and Savior - then we are dead, though we live. We are a spirit.  We have a soul.  We live in a body. We are all born spiritually dead.  We cannot fix this in and of ourselves.  The only animating life force that brings our spirits to life...

Jesus is not for sale

And neither is His salvation. His salvation is a free gift to us.  Totally undeserved.  Totally unmerited. Do you remember that line from the Elton John song Tiny Dancer , "Handing tickets out for God"? That lyric has always bothered me.  There is no ticket to God.  Nothing to "hand out."  I suppose Elton was referring to a gospel tract, not sure. Though tracts are powerful, they are not tickets.   The Gospel message is for everyone.  Since we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God - everyone from Mother Theresa to Hitler - we are all in desperate need of a Savior. Enter Jesus. Many would like to earn their way to heaven by trying to be a "good person."  No dice.  Even the finest human being is not perfect enough for heaven.   Many would like to "buy" their way in (hence, the ticket analogy) with their good works or donations to charities and other worthy causes.  Again, no dice. The only way in is through Jesu...

You Are Saved by Grace


How to know you're saved

When Christ saves you, you are sealed in Him forever.  A spiritual transaction takes place in the heavenly realms.  It is a done deal. You now belong to Christ, not to the world, not even to yourself.  You are His.  This is forever.   This is more than mere comfort, comforting as it is.  This is a rock solid Foundation upon which He builds your life, your character, your hope, your calling...everything. You no longer have a taste for things of this world, namely sin.  The former things have passed away.  Oh, they may still tempt and rear their ugly heads at you.  But they've lost their power over you, their appeal. Your desires are new.  Now, you want to please Christ above all.  It doesn't matter that this may cost you some friends, your reputation in some circles, and even some family members.  These things do not matter in the same way to you any more.  Their "importance" pales in comparison to knowing Christ and H...