How to know you're saved

When Christ saves you, you are sealed in Him forever.  A spiritual transaction takes place in the heavenly realms.  It is a done deal.

You now belong to Christ, not to the world, not even to yourself.  You are His.  This is forever.  

This is more than mere comfort, comforting as it is.  This is a rock solid Foundation upon which He builds your life, your character, your hope, your calling...everything.

You no longer have a taste for things of this world, namely sin.  The former things have passed away.  Oh, they may still tempt and rear their ugly heads at you.  But they've lost their power over you, their appeal.

Your desires are new.  Now, you want to please Christ above all.  It doesn't matter that this may cost you some friends, your reputation in some circles, and even some family members.  These things do not matter in the same way to you any more.  Their "importance" pales in comparison to knowing Christ and Him being your everything.

You are able, through His power at work within you, to love your enemies, forgive them quickly, and not let an offense fester in you.  You have peace.

Who wouldn't want this?!

So you see, being saved, redeemed, and set apart by the Lord has little to do with religious activities, good though they may be.

It is about a relationship.

You are part of a different community, so to speak.  You now belong to the Kingdom of Light.  Darkness no longer appeals to you.  And you now have discernment to tell the difference between light and dark, right and wrong, because the Holy Spirit now lives in you.  You had no real way of knowing right from wrong before, what with the world's ever-changing "ethical" compass.

You see things differently now, and thank the Lord for that!  You have an eternal perspective about life.  You are grateful for your life and how God is using you for His purposes and glory.  But you know that this life is but a prelude to the next - the one that lasts forever.

Where before you were an enemy of God, far from Him, not wanting or caring about Him at all, doing whatever you pleased, now that you are saved, you adore Him and want to do His will.

You are willing to lay down Your life for Him, if that's what He wants of you.  Having a genuine reason to live and something to die for!  This is what salvation brings to your life!

So do you know you are saved?  Do any of the things I mention here ring true for you?  If not, then why don't you get right with God right now and ask Him into your heart and life.  There is no other way.  There is no other life.  God has made a way for all of us to come to Him, to know Him, to be saved once and for all - and that is through the precious blood of Christ Jesus.  It costs nothing.  And you will finally feel at home with your Maker.

Dear Lord, I pray for the person reading this right now that You move in their heart to receive you.  I pray that they lay it all down - their fears, worries, doubts, and the like - and simply trust in You.  I pray that they feel Your great love for them that you proved when you died for them on the cross.  But You are alive and well, for You rose from the dead and You now offer us the same triumphant eternal life!  Alleluia!  Thank You, Lord, for loving this person who is reading this right now.  Thank You for saving them.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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