Letting Go, a poem

This is my "best seller" poem in my etsy shop. I believe it sells the most because we all have a need to forgive, but we don't always act on it right away. We all want to let go of hurt and pain, so why don't we? Letting go of excess baggage feels good. Feeling lighter feels good. All of us who have ever lost weight know this to be true! Just like in the physical realm of losing weight, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally lightening up feels good, too. Things are as they should be. You holding onto a hurt, grudge, and the like, is hurting you and those around you. I include those around you because they sense your discomfort. It shows in a sarcastic barb that comes out of your mouth, in being short-tempered, in an overall vibe of dis-ease. We are at ease in ourselves when we forgive. We are light. So why don't we do it consistently? Some of us do, perhaps. We are the rare ones. I wish it weren't so r...