How the false self works
Pleasing others will not make them truly love or even like you. Pleasing others is a trap that you yourself fall into. It only seems to work, but it never does. The trap is the lack of freedom to be yourself no matter what. Jesus was never a people pleaser - one of the many wonderful traits I love about Him. Some couldn't handle Jesus and His truth-telling. Some people will not be able to handle you, either. They don't get you and they don't want to get you. But that is no reason that you should try and please them. God can handle you. Thank God for God. He comes alongside us and never leaves our side. He accepts the real us even when others can't or won't. And though we are to live our lives to please Him and Him only, we will fail Him. But, unlike some people, Jesus continues to love and accept us. There was nothing fake or false about Jesus. I believe that is why He was such a threat to some. They couldn't stand Him sh...