I am not my own

I have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus. I belong to Him. Where do you belong? To whom? Deep down your soul knows that not one of them - those places and people you named - are nothing more than a house of cards. They are rickety, temporary, and will never truly give you what your soul needs and longs for. Until you belong to Christ - Your Creator and Savior - you will forever be wandering (and wondering) in this life. I don't care how big your bank account, social network, or family is. There is nothing out there that will ever give you the deepest security, love, and sense of belonging that you were born for. Since I am not my own, my life is not my own. If more Christians lived this way, knowing and believing that truly their lives are not their own, the world would be entirely transformed. What do I mean by all of this? Simply this. You are not in charge of your life. God is. He calls the shots. He is your Maste...