I am not my own

I have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus.  I belong to Him.

Where do you belong? To whom?  Deep down your soul knows that not one of them - those places and people you named - are nothing more than a house of cards.  They are rickety, temporary, and will never truly give you what your soul needs and longs for.

Until you belong to Christ - Your Creator and Savior - you will forever be wandering (and wondering) in this life.  I don't care how big your bank account, social network, or family is.  There is nothing out there that will ever give you the deepest security, love, and sense of belonging that you were born for.

Since I am not my own, my life is not my own.  

If more Christians lived this way, knowing and believing that truly their lives are not their own, the world would be entirely transformed.

What do I mean by all of this?  Simply this.  You are not in charge of your life.  God is.

He calls the shots.
He is your Master.
He is your Lord.
He reigns Sovereign over your life.
His will is done in your life, not your will.

It is a lot to take in.  It is a lot to give up - your entire life, will, agenda, plans, etc.

Why on earth would anyone sign away these "rights?"  Because once you know the real Jesus, you truly long to obey and serve Him.  You want to do as He tells you because you know that:

- it is in your best interest (in the long run, if not in the temporal)
- He is the only one that gives you true heart and mind peace
- He is absolutely trustworthy (so whatever He tells you to do, He is always right and it is good!)
- whatever you may give up this side of heaven is as nothing compared to the glory and rewards that await you!

You will be as a freak in this world.  You lay down your rights in order to live for Him, His Kingdom.

This does not make you a doormat!  Oh quite the contrary, dear one.  How so?  Because the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead now resides in you!  Your submission to Christ, apparent weakness in the world's eyes, is your very strength!  

Nothing is impossible with or for God!  Nothing!

Faith in God is not blind faith.  Nor is it faith in faith.

Picture an anchor, if you will.  Storms hit.  Boat still floating.  Shark attacks.  Boat still floating.  World currency fails.  Boat still floating!  Job loss.  Boat still floating.  Death of a loved one.  Boat still floating.  Cancer.  Boat still floating.  Betrayal from a loved one.  Boat still floating.  Pandemic.  Boat still floating.  Unprecedented weather events.  Boat still floating.

You get the idea!

No matter what this life brings, what may assail us, with God as our anchor, nothing and no one can ever cause us to sink!  Ever!

Rock. Solid.  That is what faith in Christ is, belonging fully to Him: letting Him be God and call all the shots in your life.

God has a plan for each and every life.  Most will not follow His plan because they want to call the shots, be "in charge," and act, as it were, as god of their own life.  And many can "succeed" in this life doing so!  But at what cost in the end?  And at what price now?  

There is nothing like having not only a reason to live for, but a reason to die for.  Do you have both reasons?  For what or whom would you die?  Your answer reveals your allegiances, your purpose.

Come along!  Follow Jesus!  He is so worth it all!  He alone is worthy of our devotion and allegiance.

Precious Lord.  You said flat out that if we are not willing to forsake all else for You, that we are not worthy of You.  You must be Lord or nothing at all.  And You are Lord!  No in between.  No praying to You only in a crisis.  No keeping You at arm's length.  When You call us to belong to You fully, that's it!  Enable us to count the cost of following You, Lord, and then pay it. Give us an eternal perspective on everything so that we may live a life worthy of You and Your calling.  Thank You, Lord, that in a world full of uncertainty, among relationships that are fickle and ever-changing, that we belong to You, our Anchor not only in life's storms, but every day, always.  I praise and bless Your holy Name, Lord Jesus.  In Your Name I pray.  Amen.


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