
Showing posts with the label trust

Do we really believe Jesus?

We lack nothing when we belong to Jesus. Everything we need, He supplies. Always. But in my experience, one of the temptations we face from the enemy is he attacks this very truth.  The enemy tries to convince us through his lies that we are missing something; that we lack something.  It could be anything.  His tactics have not changed since Eden.  He tries to get us to doubt God and His provision and goodness. God always provides exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.  Do you really believe this about Jesus? I am not talking simply about finances here.  I am referring to everything that we are tempted to worry about, whether it be relationships, good health, or anything else that we are struggling with. I am here to reassure you that if you are a child of God, you are never lacking or wanting for anything.   Now you may be experiencing a seeming  lack. But God promises us in the very well-known Psalm 23 that we lack nothing.  Th...

When the waters are rough

It was dark.  The disciples were on their own in the boat.  The waters around them grew rough.  The winds were blowing. Scripture does not record the disciples praying, crying out to God, in this tumultuous moment.  They simply rowed faster.  They rowed for almost four miles!   They kept trying to find their way out of the storm in their own wits and ways.  It didn't work. They got out of their fix only when Jesus arrived on the scene.  And boy, what an entrance! Jesus walked on water in order to reach His disciples.  This tells us that Jesus will go to great lengths in order to help us. What mess do you find yourself in?  Are you still trying to "row" your way out of it in your own strength?  That does not prove that you are strong or have your wits about you.  It proves that you do not trust Jesus. Unless Jesus is telling you to "row harder," then your rowing is in vain, friend. Jesus got into the boat with the disciples...

Surrender to God and be empowered!

So I told the Lord yesterday that I surrender my life to Him. I have done this before.  I don't recall the earth shaking, or any lightning bolts or fireworks when I surrendered before.  I don't remember anything changing outwardly much at all.   We are to live in daily surrender to the Lord.  This means giving up our will, plans, agendas for His. If we truly believe, "Your will be done," then how does this play out in daily life for us? Are you strong-willed?  This seems to be an admirable trait according to some.  People are wowed by the most idiotic things, aren't they?   Jesus is not wowed one iota by your strong will   Jesus not once exerted His own will when He walked this earth.  Do you respect Jesus for that?  Do you? Why exactly was Jesus so powerful in His earthly ministry?  Precisely because He was surrendered to His Heavenly Father.   Jesus had no agenda of His own.  Jesus was perfectly obedi...

A freeing prayer to pray

This or better. I read this in a book years ago and it stuck with me.  Whenever I pray it over a situation or person or place, I am free inside. We cling too tightly to a desired outcome at times.  All I know is that controlling people - those who try to control everything and everyone in their midst - are miserable people.   They may even appear happy.  But deep down, they have no real peace.  How do I know this?  Because there can only be one God or god on the throne of our lives and hearts at any given time.  And if it is not the Lord, there will be turmoil and uncertainty. If we persist in trying to keep juggling stuff we have no business juggling, there is always a price to pay.  The price is stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear. Is it really worth it?   Wouldn't you rather have that deep, abiding, nothing-can-touch-it peace of Christ ruling in your hearts instead? It seems like the answer should be obvious.  Everyone w...

Giving God carte blanche

So my New Year prayers started out with me telling God what to do. I only half jest.  As I prayed on my knees, pouring out my heart to Him, I wasn’t finding peace. I was feeling more turmoil than peace. Until... I finally blurted out, "Lord, I give You carte blanche with my life."  Then, sweet release. His beautiful peace filled my soul. It seems counterintuitive to how we are wired in the natural.  We all want some semblance of control over our lives.  But when you belong to the Lord, He leaves some things seemingly unresolved in your life.  I don't know all the reasons why He does this.  I only know that all He does is done in love.  Great love.  Everlasting love.  Holy love.  Righteous love.  Problem with us is that we've been sold a bill of goods as to what real love is.  So when God, in His perfect love, allows certain trials to linger in our lives, our rational, worldly, fleshly minds cannot understand why He would allow ...

I cast, He cares

This is a wonderful promise from God to us.  Most Christians are familiar with this verse.  But how many of us actually do it? I confess that I am not always a great caster.  I cling, complain, doubt, and worry - but cast?  Not so much. To cast our cares on Jesus means to leave them there.  So I can give my worries and cares to Jesus, but in the next 10 minutes, be worrying again!  Sound familiar? So how do we not "go back" to our worries, doubts, and fears, both little and large? Trust. Do I really trust God to handle and alleviate my cares and worries?  I have felt His beautiful peace when I truly leave all my cares with Him.  So why do I go back to anxiety?   Lack of trust. Now I must tell you, realizing that I may not trust the Lord as much as I think I do hurts.  A lot.  I have built my adult life on placing my trust in the Lord.  So when I am still capable of distrusting, I get upset with myself.  I know better....

Can you wait well?

What does it mean to wait well?  And how long does the Lord expect us to wait on Him? I have been waiting on fhe Lord for almost 30 years for one of my prayers to be answered.  Another, over 10 years. The fact that these particular prayers haven't been answered yet doesn't mean that God doesn't hear me or care.   So what's the hold-up?  Is it me?  Doesn't God see how His answering these prayers would make life better for me?  Because in my mind, they would exponentially improve my life. But then my mind is limited.  God's mind is unlimited. God is always at work in our lives.  Doing what?  Yes, answering our prayers is one way.  But it is not the only way He is working for us.   What happenes to our faith when our prayers go unanswered for a very long time?  Does it strengthen as we persist in believing God no matter what?  Or does it lessen because we don't see the answers come to fruition yet? Whether our faith...

How we put God in a box

We all do it.  We put God in a box.  We know in our minds that He can do anything, even the impossible. But in real life, we're more inclined to look at ourselves, our resources, our limitations, problems, etc, etc. Taking our eyes off ourselves is step one.  That's enough work for most of us! But beyond that, we admit that He is telling us to do something we cannot do in our own power or resources or strength. God asks us to do the impossible so that we will know that HE is the one behind it, making it happen.  We do not get any credit. God gets all the glory. Moses couldn't part a sea.  No way, no how, never in a million years. But God could!  And He did!  Moses was trapped.  There was no way out, no way to escape the Egyptian army coming after him and his people. But God knew the way out!  He had it all worked out for Moses.  All Moses had to do was obey God! Now we may never see a sea part.   But we all have, or have had, o...

Keep praying

Even when you don't see results. Even when you want to give up. Even when things are getting worse. Even when you don't believe. Even when you are tired. Even when you doubt Even when you just want to escape. Even when it seems hopeless. Even when you've had enough already. All of these situations and feelings are when we need to keep on praying and seeking the Lord.   Praying in season and out of season means that not all seasons are alike. Is your horrible "season" just going on and on with no seeming end in sight?  This can be very wearing and stressful on the mind, body, and soul. I don't know why some seasons seem to take forever.  Especially when you have the faith that the season could end with a snap of God's fingers. "Why isn't He answering my prayer?" you ask.  "What is He waiting for?" I don't have an answer for you.   But I do know that we are to keep asking, keep knocking, keep believing, keep seeking, keep, keep, k...

The best to do list ever

If I gave you a list of all the things that you are to entrust to the Lord, it would go on forever.  Now I could easily sum it up in one overarching way - trust Him with yourself.  But what does yourself include? Here is a list to get you started.  It is not exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of just how much you can trust Christ. Trust God with or for your: Health Finances Future Past Present Circumstances Whole heart Job security Provision Safety Security Identity Eternal place Salvation Redemption Heartache Healing Restitution Recompense Reward Justice Peace Friends Family Debt Self-image How you see others Relationships Age Output Purpose Mistakes To be fearless Faults Temper Self-control Resources Network Lack Abundance Possessions Broken relationships Fears Doubts Hurts Regrets Trauma Resolving what bothers you Impossible people and situations Wealth Talents Issues Make up for lost time Insight Wisdom Guidance To lead you Help you let go Surrender Doctor's report ...

Why worry?

What are you worried about?  Do you have many cares?  Do you worry easily?   Have you ever asked yourself why you worry so much?  Has worrying ever done you a lick of good?  What does it accomplish?  Does it solve anything? If we look at worry straight on, see it for what it is, I don't think we would ever worry again.   What worry "offers:" Anxiety Fear Uncertainty Stress Doubt Physical side effects Who in their right mind would want these things in their life?! But how can I help it? you may ask.  You do not "have to" worry.  I repeat, you do not have to worry.   You have a choice. Reasoning and trying to figure out every little thing is exhausting.  And no matter how smart we are, or think we are, our intelligence and reasoning skills are no match for God's omniscience and wisdom (to say the least!). That is why when we "give it to God," surrender our worries, fears, and doubts, and allow Him to resolve, heal, deli...

God's good plans for you

God's plans for us are good.  He promises us this. Christians love to quote this verse from Jeremiah.  We all want to know that our future is a good one. But what does God deem "good?"   I have had so many trials and tribulations in my life.  If I were to freeze-frame each one, they would hardly look like they were part of a "good" plan. We have been mislead to think that the American Dream is God's good plan for our lives.  If that were all there was to it, then how would the world discern between those who belong to Christ from those who are in the world?  If God is there only to "make all our dreams come true," then we're under a false belief.  That is not what God means when He talks about His good plan for our lives. Sometimes, the truly "good life" looks worse than what others have.  For example, did Paul believe in God's "good plan" for him when he was beaten, shipwrecked, going hungry, left for dead, beaten, thro...