Keep praying

Even when you don't see results.

Even when you want to give up.

Even when things are getting worse.

Even when you don't believe.

Even when you are tired.

Even when you doubt

Even when you just want to escape.

Even when it seems hopeless.

Even when you've had enough already.

All of these situations and feelings are when we need to keep on praying and seeking the Lord.  

Praying in season and out of season means that not all seasons are alike. Is your horrible "season" just going on and on with no seeming end in sight?  This can be very wearing and stressful on the mind, body, and soul.

I don't know why some seasons seem to take forever.  Especially when you have the faith that the season could end with a snap of God's fingers.

"Why isn't He answering my prayer?" you ask.  "What is He waiting for?"

I don't have an answer for you.  

But I do know that we are to keep asking, keep knocking, keep believing, keep seeking, keep, keep, keep on!

If you've had an easy life up until the pandemic, you were in for a doozy!  Now, life has changed.  Maybe you are beyond frustrated, angry even.  This is because you may have been used to getting your own way before.  You felt in charge, in control.  And now, you know you're not.

This has been a saving grace for me - knowing that I never was in control of my life and that things rarely went my way!  So the pandemic, hard as it has been, has not thrown me for as much as a loop as others.

When you've given the Lord full reign over your life, it doesn't always work out or look like the way you had planned.  That is because His plans are higher.  They have an end in sight and that end is to make you more like Jesus!  This is true even when you feel like circumstances threaten to make you less like Him!

If you go kicking and screaming, you only make it harder on yourself.  If you yield and surrender, though the outer circumstances may not change and even get worse, you are at peace.  Why?  Because you have realized that God is in control and you are not! 

Now this may seem an obvious statement, or not.  But there are millions of people for whom life seems to "go their way."  So a pandemic happening  - something they have no control over - really messes with them.

In that regard, I am very thankful that I already knew - pre-pandemic - that the only thing I can control is myself.  Not others, not circumstances, not anything or anyone  God is in charge of my life and my future.

This is not a cop-out nor does it release me from responsibility.  My responsibility is to trust Him.  My responsibility is to obey Him.  So life is still productive and fruitful and I still do as He says, pandemic or not.

His instructions and directions are always best.  He never fails.  He is omniscient - knowing all from beginning to end.  What's not to trust?  

I have been praying for a desired outcome for someone for going on seven years now.  If you think that's easy, think again.

I have faith enough to know that the Lord could change things up in an instant!  In a millisecond!  So if He is not answering my prayers as I like - as I believe is best for everyone involved - then that is where the surrender must happen in my heart.  Either God knows best or He doesn't.  There's no middle ground, otherwise our faith would be shaky.  

Christians believe in an unshakable, immovable, Almighty God.  His character, His power, His goodness is what our faith is based on. His track record in our own lives as well as throughout history - Who He is - we believe in Him because we believe Him to be Who He says He is.  

Prayer is work!  Make no doubt about it!  I'm talking about real, gut-wrenching prayer.  Not "God bless him" or "God bless her."  Nice prayers though they may be, that is not enough in most cases.  

If I keep praying until He comes back for me or He takes me to be with Him, and I never see the desired outcome or result that I want, I still trust Him.  I still believe that He knows exactly what He is doing.  

In the meantime, my faith will not waver - I won't let it! - just because I don't see the answer I want.  My faith is not in a desired outcome!  Alleluia!  My faith is in the Person of Jesus Christ!  He is Lord!

Dear Lord, please help me trust You even when a very trying circumstance goes on and on, leaving me frustrated and befuddled.  I pray that You answer me in Your perfect time.  I pray that in the meantime, You continue to show me Your overcoming power - power to keep believing, power to persevere, power to overcome negative thinking and feelings - Your power in me to do exceedingly above and beyond anything I can ask of You!  Keep me in Your peace and wisdom, Lord.  For You are faithful and trustworthy, Lord, no matter what.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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